FT Unram Declares Commitment to Archival Awareness and Organised Movement

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram (FT Unram) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Workshop on the Implementation of Archives for two days on 18-19 March 2024 at the FT Unram Hall.
This FGD and workshop carries the theme “With the Commitment of the Archival Aware Movement Towards National Standard Archival Governance” and aims to improve the understanding and quality of archival management within FT Unram, as well as promote awareness of the importance of good archive governance according to national standards.
The Head of Unram’s Finance and General Affairs Bureau, H. Aman, SP., MM. when opening the event revealed the importance of the activity as a concrete step in improving the efficiency and accountability of institutions in archive management, which is an integral part of good university governance.
“We need to realise the importance of archives. Therefore, we ask you to join us in carrying out our national duty. We start organising the archives well so that in the future when we need archives, we can find them quickly,” he said.
In line with this statement, the Dean of FT Unram, Muhamad Syamsu Iqbal, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. expressed his hope that through this activity, the entire FT Unram academic community could gain a deeper understanding of the best practices in archive management in accordance with national standards.
“We who are in charge of technology must be at the forefront of archive digitisation. Hopefully this will equalise our perspectives on archives and hopefully what is done in informatics can be disseminated to be followed by other faculties,” he said.
The event also saw the signing of a Declaration of Commitment to the FT Unram Archival Awareness and Organised Movement by the dean, vice dean, head of administration, head of department, head of study programme, and head of laboratory within FT Unram.
Furthermore, the workshop held in the FT Unram Hall was filled with presentation of materials covering “Creation, Receipt and Storage of Active Archives” by Ikhwan, S.Sos., M.M. and Muntaha, A.Md.S.I. Then, material related to “Use, Maintenance, Filing and Shrinkage of Active Archives” by Insan Rahmana, S.T..
Followed by the presentation of material by Dedy Mulyadi, S.H. with the material title “Inactive Transfer, Storage, and Use” and the last presentation by Murniasih, S.H. and Abdusyyakur, S.H. with the material title “Maintenance, File Validation, and Shrinkage of Inakti Archives”.