Universitas Mataram (UNRAM) is a university organized under the Ministry of National Education, domiciled in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The establishment process of the establishment of the Preparatory Committee for State Universities in Mataram, chaired by the Governor of the Head of Level I NTB Region, namely R. Ar. Moh. Ruslan Tjakraningrat. The two proposals from this Preparatory Body are the establishment of the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, and the Faculty which produces agronomists. Then, it came up with an alternative university name, namely Sangkarengan University or Mataram University.
Based on the proposal of the Preparatory Board, the Universitas Mataram was established on November 3, 1962. However, one year after the decision, there were no activities that marked the functioning of the university, so at the request of the Governor, on November 17, 1963 the Sangkareang Education Foundation opened the Faculty of Economics which was expected to become one of the faculties at the State University in Mataram.
Then on December 7, 1963, the Preparatory Board for the Establishment of Mataram University was disbanded because its task was declared complete. On December 19, 1963 the Sangkareang Education Foundation handed over the Faculty of Economics and 41 students to the Governor for further inauguration by the Minister of PTIP. It was at this time that the State University in Mataram officially started its activities. It is on this basis that in the early days the Universitas Mataram commemorated the Dies Natalis on December 19. However, after a series of establishment processes were re-examined it was determined later that the Dies Natalis falls on October 1st.
In 1967, Universitas Mataram established three faculties at once, namely the Faculty of Agriculture (1967), the Faculty of Animal Husbandry (1967) and the Faculty of Law (1967). In its development, until the 2011/2012 academic year, Universitas Mataram had 9 faculties. The four faculties formed after the Faculty of Law are the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) on April 25, 1981. Then the Faculty of Engineering, this faculty was established based on the change in the status of the Mataram Technical College (STTM) to the Civil Engineering Study Program on November 8, 1991. On October 21, 1993, the Faculty of Engineering was officially established at the Universitas Mataram. The last three faculties established were the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) and the Faculty of Medicine, on August 25, 2007 and August 25, 2007, respectively, and the Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry on February 4, 2012.
The history of Universitas Mataram leadership from time to time as follows: