The Rector of University of Mataram Appointed Vice Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education for 2023-2027 Period.
Mataram, the University of Mataram – the Rector of University of Mataram (Unram), Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D inaugurated vice dean for academic affairs, vice dean for general affairs and finance, and vice dean for student affairs and alumni of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education for the 2023-2027 period on Monday (24/7) in the Senate Meeting Room, Third Floor of the Unram Rectorate Building.
The new officials are Dr. Saprizal Hadisaputra, S.Si., M.Sc., as vice dean for academic affairs, Dr. Santi Farmasari, S.Pd., M.Ed.Tesol as vice dean for general affairs and finance, and Dr. M. Mahrus, M.Pd as vice dean for student affairs and alumni.
The rector advised to the new officials to innovate and to improve the progress of the faculty in the future. The Rector also hopes that the inauguration of the new officials can increase superior accreditation at the faculty.
“It is hoped that the 10 study programs in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education can excel because of their physical development which can be said to be superior. The lecturers are also extraordinary, there are many professors, there are also many doctors,” he said.
Furthermore, Prof. Bambang said that superior accreditation became one of the most important tasks for the new officials.
“Then the IKU, of course we will jointly learn our shortcomings, so that, we can improve to become champions. We are turning this Unram condition from not being taken into account to being very calculated”, he continued.
At the end, the rector emphasized that he would continue to push, so that the new official could carry out his duties as he should.
“We carry the task together, we work together to complete it,” said the rector of Unram.