Unram E-Resources Seminar and Training: Increase Student Digital Literacy

Mataram, University of Mataram – UPT.  Library of University of Mataram held an E-Resources Seminar and Training for Librarians on Wednesday (16/8) in Unram Library room.

This activity was intended to increase the insight, knowledge and skills of users, especially students, in utilizing various digital information sources (E-Resources).  Digital literacy is defined as the skills needed to live, learn and work in society where communication and access to information are increasing through digital technologies such as internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices.

The material was presented by the Head of UPT. Library of Unram, Muslimin, S.Sos., M.M.  that Unram students need practical skills in using technology to access, manage, manipulate, and create information in an ethical, and sustainable way.

“This is a continuous learning process because the digital world is a world that has very fast growth.  By deepening digital literacy knowledge, it will have a positive effect in the very long term in the future,” said Muslimin.

He added that the access to the use of digital information sources for a student (library) requires skills and skills in finding various sources of knowledge, processing, storing, and empowering this knowledge, which ultimately will be felt by the student concerned and converted in the form of new knowledge, experience, and improvement.  competence, as well as the personal capacity of students.

“This seminar and training is one of UPT’s accelerated programs.  The Unram Library as part of a grand strategy to strengthen literate campus communities, think globally, and act locally to make Unram part of international relations,” he added.

The event was opened directly by the Head of the Bureau for Academic, Student Affairs and Planning (BAKP), Irpan Siswadi, S.Sos., M.Sc.  He said that digital literacy is very important in the current 4.0 era, especially for students until they enter the professional world.

“In the workplace, we will be asked to interact with people in digital environments, use information in appropriate ways, and create new ideas and products collaboratively.  And we as users of digital media, of course we have to maintain our digital identity and prosperity because digital platforms continue to change rapidly and dynamically,” said Irpan.

The seminar and training that was held presented three speakers, namely Prof.  Ir.  Suhubdy, Ph.D.  (Professor of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unram) explained material related to strategies to create a college community with an academic outlook that thinks globally and acts locally based on E-Resources.

Second, Pujiarohman, S.Psi., M.Psi.  as Unram Psychologist and Head of UPT.  BKPK (Counseling Guidance and Career Development) delivered material on user psychology, tips and tricks for using E-Resources for student study success.

The last material as well as training related to the utilization of digital information sources with international reputations based on ProQuest was delivered by Dwi Janto Suandaru, S.E.  and ends with the provision of ProQuest and Wiley based E-Book access tutorials.