Unram Opens Access to ProQuest Journals, Improves Education and Research Quality

Published On: 12 December, 2023By Tags: , , , ,

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) continues to commit to improve the quality of education and research on campus. As a concrete step, Unram has subscribed to Journal ProQuest, an online subscription that provides access to thousands of leading scientific journals in various scientific fields.

By subscribing to Journal Proquest, the entire Unram academic community ranging from lecturers, students, and staff now have easy access to high-quality research resources. This step is expected to have a positive impact on improving the quality of students’ final assignments and research conducted by lecturers.

The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Siti Hilyana, M.Si stated, “The decision to subscribe to Proquest Journals is a strategic step in supporting academic progress at the University of Mataram. With access to leading scientific journals, we provide better facilities for the entire academic community to explore the latest knowledge in their respective fields.”

Students are expected to benefit significantly from these ProQuest Journals, as they can access the latest and relevant information resources to enrich their final projects. That way, Unram can produce graduates who are better prepared to face challenges in the world of work.

In addition, this step is also expected to improve the quality of research conducted by lecturers. With wider access, researchers at Unram can produce better quality works and contribute more to the development of science.

Head of UPT Library, Muslimin, S.Sos., MM. explained that the ProQuest Journal can be accessed from inside and outside the Unram campus.

“From inside the Unram campus, students do not need to log in, just type www.proquest.com and they can directly access the ProQuest e-Journal portal, while from outside the Unram campus, our students are required to log in based on the password we have given previously,” he explained.

He also added that the accounts and passwords that have been shared should not be distributed to users outside the Unram academic community and should not be displayed on any social media platform.

“Alhamdulillah, Unram has subscribed to the ProQuest e-Journal, of course we hope that the entire academic community of the University of Mataram, especially students and lecturers, can utilize this scientific information portal to support the smooth learning process, education and scientific research. Considering that today the competition in the world of education is getting tighter so that it is necessary to prepare generations who have competence and qualified academic insight, which means being able to answer the challenges of the times, “added Muslimin.

The ProQuest Journal subscription is integrated into the university’s efforts to continuously improve education and research standards. Unram remains committed to providing the best educational experience for its students and making a real contribution to the advancement of science at the local, national and international levels.

Unram believes that this step will have a long-term positive impact, creating a more dynamic and highly competitive academic environment, in accordance with Unram’s vision of becoming a research-based and internationally competitive higher education institution.