Equality, antidiscrimination, diversity

Mataram University believes that education is the right of every citizen. That’s why equality, anti-discrimination and diversity are essential to policy formulation in the academic community. Policies related to equality, anti-discrimination and diversity are included in the code of ethics that applies to educators, staffs and even to the students themselves in order to create an ecosystem that is safe, comfortable and able to embrace all parties. Violations of the provisions of this Code of Ethics will meet the ethic commission.


  1. The university and its academic community are responsible for :
  2. conducting education for all without discrimination based-on gender, race, ethnicity and religion. Including equality in access to education and services at the University of Mataram.
  3. helping to create a conducive, safe and comfortable environment in accessing education without discrimination.
  4. enforcing regulations to ensure that education is held without knowing discrimination as well as providing support and assistance to anyone who has suffered such cases.
  5. Giving understanding that equality, availability and sustainability of education without discrimination is everyone’s
  6. the university supports the achievement of the United Nations Development Goals by referring to the laws in force in the Republic of Indonesia.

    This policy is contained in the Mataram University Code of Ethics:

    Each Faculty at Mataram University has an ethics commission that serves as a supervisor and receiver of complaints about violations of the ethics code that occurred in the environment of the academic civitas of the University of Mataram.
