Unram Supports Sustainable Natural Resources Management Based on Blue and Green Economy through National Seminar on Science and Technology
Mataram, University of Mataram – The Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) again held a National Seminar on Science and Technology with the theme “The Role of Science and Technology in Natural Resource Management to Support Sustainable Development Based on Blue and Green Economy.” The seminar, which was held on Thursday (7/11) at Lombok Raya Hotel, is an annual agenda of LPPM Unram and was attended by 295 participants consisting of students and lecturers from various universities in Indonesia.
The Head of the Committee, Dr. Endah Wahyuningsih, S.Hut., MP, in her speech said that this seminar was held in a hybrid to provide a forum for researchers to present the latest ideas in the field of science and technology.
“We hope this event can be a place to share views related to sustainable natural resource management, and provide great benefits for the development of knowledge and technology, as well as encourage collaboration between academics, researchers and practitioners,” she said.
The event was also attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram, Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, who gave a speech while emphasizing the important role of science and technology in supporting environmental and economic sustainability.
“This seminar not only focuses on technological innovation but also contributes to maintaining the ecosystem through a blue and green economy approach that is relevant for the future development,” she said.
The seminar presented a number of distinguished keynote speakers, including Prof. Dr. Ir. Iskandar Z. Siregar, M.Sc.F.Trop. from Bogor Agricultural University; Prof. Drs. Aris Doyan, M.Si., Ph.D. from University of Mataram; Ir. Rijal M. Idrus, M.Sc., Ph.D. from Hasanuddin University; Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, S.T., M.T., IPU. from University of Mataram; and Ir. Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, MP., Ph.D. from Udayana University.
The seminar was also coupled with presentations from participants with various topics, including Material Science and Nanotechnology, Biology and Biotechnology, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry and its Applications, Digital Technology and Cyber Security, Technology Innovation, to Geosciences and Mining. Through this seminar, it is hoped that there will be cross-disciplinary collaboration that can advance the sustainable utilization of natural resources, as well to create innovations that are relevant to the challenges of the times.