Unram Receives Campus Tour Visit by Ulil Albaab NW Islamic High School
Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) received a group visit from Ulil Albaab NW Islamic High School in the Senate Conference Room, Unram Rectorate on Monday (25/24). The Head of Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, Dwi Siswanto, S.Kom., MM, warmly welcomed the arrival of 85 students and 7 teachers of Ulil Albaab NW Islamic High School.
Unram, represented by Dwi Siswanto, S.Kom, MM, gave a brief introduction about Unram to the students of Ulil Albaab NW Islamic High School. Where currently Unram has around 34,000 students with 9 faculties consisting of 77 study programs, and 5 of them are additional new study programs at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
He also explained that there are several Student Activity Units (UKM) that can be followed by prospective students such as the Student Executive Board (BEM) and the Student Representative Council (DPM), UKM in the field of reasoning (UKM Prima, argUMent, etc.), in the field of sports (badminton, martial arts, archery, etc.), religion, arts, etc. These UKM can be a forum for prospective students to develop their potential and expand their relationships within the university.
“There are 3 registration paths for prospective students, SNBP, SNBT, and Mandiri. All students as prospective students can start preparing to enroll in university, such as identifying long-term goals, preparing good grades, studying hard for the UTBK test, and selecting and considering study programs,” said Dwi Siswanto.
Dwi Siswanto also explained for students who enroll in the SNBP pathway to carefully consider the study program to be chosen because if the student refuses the SNBP pathway invitation, then the student and his school will get sanctions. The sanctions given to students as prospective students are in the form of a prohibition to register with state universities through any pathway. In addition, the school will also have a reduction in the quota for admission through the SNBP pathway in state universities.
He said that students can try various scholarships available to enter Unram such as the KIP-K scholarship, the scholarship for poor achievers, and the affirmation scholarship. These scholarships can facilitate prospective students if there are financial constraints to continue their studies.
The teacher representative of Ulil Albaab NW Islamic High School, said that this Campus Tour program is the first time they have implemented the program. Previously, Unram had conducted socialization to Ulil Albaab NW Islamic High School so that there was an initiation to conduct a Campus Tour so that students could find out more information about Unram, because they realized that each student had different interests in determining their study choices.
“This activity is based on providing information as clearly as possible to students about Unram so that students will be easy and accessible to determine their next educational choice, because honestly there are many students who do not have a choice,” said a teacher representative of Ulil Albaab NW Islamic High School.
At the end of the activity the students and teachers of Ulil Albaab NW Islamic High School were invited to tour several faculties to look at the situation and conditions of the lecture environment at Unram.