Unram Solidifies Steps Through the Preparation of Strategic Business Plan and Business and Budget Plan in the Board of Trustees Meeting
Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) held a Board of Trustees (Dewas) Meeting on Thursday and Friday, December 12-13, 2024, at the Senate Conference Room, Unram Rectorate. This meeting discussed the preparation of the BLU Unram Business Strategic Plan (RSB) for 2025-2029, and the preparation of the BLU Unram Business and Budget Plan (RBA) for 2025.
Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance of Unram, Prof. Dr. Sukardi, M.Pd. representing the Rector of Unram, Prof. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr., St., Ph.D. warmly welcomed the arrival of Unram Board of Trustees, Prof. Hamid Muhammad, M.Sc., Ph.D., Ratih Hapsari Kusumawardani, S.Si., M.A., M.T., and Dr. Agnes Tuti Rumiati, M. Sc.
In his remarks, the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance of Unram, Prof. Dr. Sukardi, M.Pd. conveyed “Please give us input and direction regarding the BLU Unram Business Strategic Plan (RSB) for 2025-2029, and the BLU Unram Business and Budget Plan (RBA) for 2025,” said Prof. Sukardi.
On the same occasion, Prof. Hamid Muhammad, M.Sc., Ph.D., emphasized the importance of preparing RSB that is data-based and oriented towards achieving annual targets until 2029.
“RSB is created at the beginning of five years, then we see what has changed, especially the targets that are part of the Rector’s contract with the Directorate General of Higher Education,” he explained.
According to Prof. Hamid, although the current RSB BLU Unram will only end in 2025, the drafting for the next five years needs to start now. This is in line with the direction of the Directorate General of Treasury, Directorate of PPK BLU, which requests the alignment of strategic plans with the Ministry’s policies.
The Unram Board of Trustees also emphasized that the new policy would not totally change the existing plan, but refine it based on current implementation.
“We must prepare the draft RSB, supporting data, and annual targets to be achieved in 2029. As for the RBA as an annual program, its preparation is still guided by the ongoing RSB,” he added.
Prof. Hamid also reminded the importance of accelerating the achievement of targets set by the Rector of Unram. “The most important thing is that the targets that have been set can be achieved. If necessary, we do accelerations to ensure this, “concluded Prof. Hamid.
Through this meeting, Unram Board of Trustees together with Unram leaders are expected to formulate a business and budget strategy that is not only oriented towards sustainability, but also able to answer the challenges of higher education in the era of digital transformation. This strategy will be a road map to bring Unram to more significant progress in the next five years and become a superior and globally competitive university.