Unram Welcomes Students from Mamba’ul Bayan NW Islamic Boarding School, Provides Guidance for Entering Higher Education

Published On: 22 February, 2025By Tags: ,

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) held guidance and direction related to the procedures for entering state universities on Friday, February 21, 2025. The activity took place at the UPA Unram Library and was attended by students from the Mamba’ul Bayan NW Islamic Boarding School.

This event aimed to provide general and specific information to the students of MAN Pondok Pesantren Mamba’ul Bayan NW. The material presented included the history of Unram, available facilities, study programs, and scholarships offered.

On this occasion, Syaefudin, S.E. as Head of Academic Department explained that Unram has 9 faculties with various study programs, as well as different levels of tightness between these study programs. This was delivered to enable students to prepare themselves well and study seriously. In addition, Syaefudin also said that the chances of graduation will be greater if students choose a study program that pays attention to the level of tightness and acceptance opportunities.

“ University of Mataram has 9 faculties and various study programs that have been accredited with lots of B to excellent accreditation. If you want to maximize your chances of passing, choose a study program with a lower level of tightness and a higher percentage of acceptance. But if you want to choose a study program with high tightness because there is a desired job target, then study hard, “he said.

In addition to providing direction regarding the selection of study programs, Syaefudin also explained the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) system at Unram. He emphasized to the students not to worry about tuition fees because Unram applies a grade system and provides various types of scholarships.

“For UKT, don’t worry because we use a grade system. So, if there are those who have disadvantaged economic conditions, the tuition fee will be adjusted. We also provide scholarships, such as scholarships from Bank Indonesia to KIP-K,” he said.

Syaefudin also gave an explanation regarding the university entrance schedule, which began with the SNBP that had already taken place. He also gave directions for students to prepare themselves well to take the SNBT and Unram Mandiri pathway tests. This activity is expected to help students maximize the opportunities available to continue their education to the university level.