FKIK Unram Holds LAM-PTKES Field Assessment for the Accreditation of Pharmacy Undergraduate Study Programs and Pharmacist Professional Education

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Mataram (FKIK Unram) held a field assessment of the Pharmacy Study Program and the Pharmacist Professional Education Study Program by Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Health (LAM-PTKes) on Thursday, February 27, 2025 at the FKIK Unram Pharmacy Building Hall.
This field assessment was attended directly by three LAM-PTKes assessors, Prof. Dr. apt. Maria Immaculata Iwo, M.Si., Dr. apt. Supandi, M.Si., and apt. Drs. Endang Adriyani, MARS., Ph.D., from the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI).
Unram Rector, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., in his speech emphasized that this accreditation is a strategic step towards achieving excellent status for all study programs at Unram.
“Currently 31 percent of study programs at Unram have superior accreditation status. We continue to encourage the achievement of superior accreditation for all study programs and continue to encourage the achievement of key performance indicators to realize Unram as a State University with Legal Status (PTN-BH) and towards a World Class University,” said Prof. Bambang.
Furthermore, Prof. Bambang also revealed that Unram is reorganizing the Unram Teaching Hospital which is planned to be operational in March, as well as the revitalization of laboratories that continue to be strived for.
On the same occasion, the Rector of Unram also conveyed the brilliant achievements of the Pharmacist Professional Education Study Program. “Although still relatively young, this program has shown extraordinary quality. The first and second year of graduates achieved a 100 percent pass rate in a single exam. This proves that the education system and the quality of students in this study program are very good,” he said.
On the other hand, the Pharmacy Study Program is also the study program with the highest level of tightness in Unram, both through the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) and National Selection Based on Test (SNBT). In addition, scientific journals from this study program continue to be encouraged to reach the Scopus index as part of strengthening academic reputation.
LAM-PTKes assessor, Prof. Dr. apt. Maria Immaculata Iwo, M.Si. in her speech appreciated the spirit of the Unram team in this assessment process. “I see great spirit from the Unram team. This shows a strong desire to move forward. This assessment is not just an assessment, but part of the change, where the great hope is that the study program can achieve superior status,” she said.
He also emphasized that LAM-PTKes plays a role in helping study programs to understand accreditation forms and carry out educational standards properly. “If the study program is able to understand and apply the forms correctly, then achieving excellence is not impossible,” she added.
With this assessment, great hopes are set on achieving superior accreditation for the Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program and the FKIK Unram Pharmacist Professional Education Study Program. This will further strengthen Unram’s position in the world of higher health education, both at the national and international levels.