Improving the Quality of Lecturers’ Research, LPPM Unram Holds Workshop and Research Proposal Clinic for DPPM Funds of the Ministry of Education and Science

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) through the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) again held a routine activity that is essential for the development of research and lecturer research, the Workshop and Clinic for Research Proposals for DPPM Funds of the Ministry of Research and Technology. This activity aims to improve the quality and quantity of research proposals submitted by Unram lecturers, with the hope that they can compete at the national level and contribute significantly to achieving the goal of Golden Indonesia.
The workshop and clinic held on March 18, 2025 was attended by lecturers/researchers from various faculties within Unram. The participants were given an in-depth understanding of the requirements, effective proposal writing techniques, and tips in applying for research funds to DPPM Kemendiktisaintek. In addition, the participants were also given the opportunity to consult directly with experts who have experience in submitting research proposals.
On this occasion, the Acting. Secretary of LPPM, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP; Head of Research Center, Prof. Dr. Ir. Buan Anshari, ST, M.Sc.(Eng), Ph.D.; Head of Service Center, Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suliartini, SP, MP; Head of LPPM General Subdivision, Roni Paslan, S.Adm.; as well as lecturers and researchers in Unram. The resource persons in this activity, including Prof. Dr. Ir. Diah Permata Wijayanti, M.Sc. from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, as well as the Compilation Team for Research and Service Guidelines for DPPM Funds of the Ministry of Research and Technology.
Starting this activity Acting. Secretary of LPPM, Prof. Muliarta Aryana, in his speech emphasized, “Workshops and clinics are routine activities organized by LPPM to support the output, innovation, and achievement of ASTACITA in an effort to achieve Golden Indonesia. In addition, this activity also serves as a strategic step to improve the quality and quantity of research proposals of University of Mataram lecturers at the national level.”
“This activity is strategic in supporting the development of research at the University of Mataram. Through this workshop and clinic, we hope that lecturers can improve the quality of their research proposals, both in terms of substance and technicality. We also want to ensure that lecturers can take advantage of various funding opportunities provided by the Ministry of Research and Technology,” said Prof. Muliarta Aryana.
In addition to providing technical training on proposal writing, this activity is also a forum for lecturers to share experiences and expand networks in the world of research. The participants were given directions to increase innovation in every research they do, which in turn is expected to support the achievement of the Golden Indonesia.
This activity is in line with Unram’s vision to increase the role of universities in creating innovation and research that has a positive impact on national development. With this workshop and research proposal clinic, it is hoped that Unram lecturers can be better prepared to win research funds that can support the development of science and technology at the national level.
LPPM Unram is committed to continuing to organize various activities that support the improvement of research quality among lecturers, hoping to contribute more to the advancement of higher education in Indonesia.