Unisma Visited Unram in the Context of Developing MBKM Access

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Islamic University of Malang (Unisma) held a visit to the Universias Mataram (Unram) to carry out activities for the Development of Independent Access to Independent Learning on the Independent Campus (MBKM). The meeting of the two universities took place in the Rector’s Meeting Room, Rectorate of Unram on Monday (7/11).
Unisma’s visit to Unram was carried out in the context of implementing the Institutional Support System (ISS) program, the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM). The occasion was also attended by Dr. Ir. Djuhari, M.Si. as Executive Director of PKKM Unisma, and his entourage. And was welcomed by Vice Rector 2 Unram, Prof. Dr. Kurniawan, S.H., M.Hum., and Vice Rector 4 Unram, Yusron Saadi, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. along with other Unram leaders.
“What we mean to come to Unram is hopefully it can be followed up with an MoU and PKS. And it must be immediately prepared also its implementation, what is its activity. Therefore, our shadow is like the possibility of lecturer exchanges, then research collaborations, publications, conferences, this conference is very possible if we already have a legal umbrella. Hopefully in the future, there will be many things that we can synergize,” said Dr. Djuhari.
Furthermore, there was also the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) carried out by both university parties, as well as the exchange of souvenirs, followed by a discussion session about MBKM.
“Then the good experiences at Unram hopefully we can adopt it and adapt it to the conditions at Unisma,” concluded the Executive Director of PKKM Unisma.