45th Doctor’s Oath, FK Unram Inaugurated 17 New Doctors

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram (FK Unram) again made its achievements by giving birth to a number of 17 new doctors on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at the Hall of dr. Yunita Sabrina, FK Unram.
“In the doctor’s oath of the 45th today that will be taken the oath of 17 people. 17 Ananda, the new doctor candidates, have gone through the Indonesian Doctor National Competency Examination in the August 2022 period,” explained the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of FK Unram, dr. Arfi Syamsun, Sp.KF., M.Si. Med.
In the inauguration and oath-taking ceremony of the 45th Doctor, the Forensic Specialist reported that the percentage of graduation of FK Unram doctors was 86%, still above the national average percentage. And until now there are a total of 763 doctors who graduated from FK Unram.
Furthermore, dr. Hamsu Kadriyan, Sp.T.H.T.K.L(K)., M.Kes. as the Dean of FK Unram took the oath and appointed a new doctor.
Vice Rector 1 (WR 1) Unram, Agusdin, S.E., MBA., DBA. in his remarks, he also appreciated the achievements of FK Unram. He also advised the new doctors who have been appointed to carry out their profession responsibly.
“The profession of a doctor is a noble profession, carry out your duties as a professional and trustworthy doctor. Don’t stop gaining knowledge and keeping up with current technological developments. And you must be a doctor who is sensitive to community problems, obeys the rules and norms that apply, always upholds patient safety, prioritizes the quality of service and patient satisfaction, always thinks and works for the quality of the profession and service to humanity,” said Agusdin.
On the other hand, dr. Hamsu said that concerning to the improvement of human resources in the field of medicine, FK Unram in the future will increase the quota for new student admissions by around 30%. This is based on a joint decree signed by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and the Minister of Health, which asks all FK in every Indonesian university to increase capacity. In order to balance the ratio of the medical profession to the total population of Indonesia.
“Hopefully, with the addition of 17 new doctors, it can contribute to improving the quality of public health, especially in NTB,” said the Dean of FK Unram.
Also present at the event was the Director of ntb provincial hospital, dr. H. Lalu Herman Mahaputra, M.Kes., MH. and Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) ntb region, dr. Rohadi, Sp.BS(K), FICS, FINPS. Which one is dr. Rohadi emphasized to the new doctor that in carrying out the duties of his profession, he must remain based on professional ethics and the doctor’s oath that has been pronounced.