4th Annual Conference on Education and Social Sciences 2022, Assessing Technological Innovation and Adaptation of Education and Social Sciences in Society 5.0

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Mataram (FKIP Unram) held The 4th Annual Conference on Education and Social Science 2022 (ACESS 2022) for two days from 27 – 28 October 2022, at the Aruna Senggigi Hotel.
ACESS has been held since 2019 and was attended by hundreds of participants from various countries such as the United States, Malaysia, Australia, the Philippines, Japan, Singapore, and many more. At this year’s event, ACESS carries the theme “Technological Innovation and Adaptation on Education and Social Sciences in Society 5.0”.
Based on the report of the Chairman of the ACESS 2022 Committee, Dr. Nuriadi, S.S., M.Hum. recorded more than 100 abstracts that registered for ACESS 2022. Through a rigorous selection, it was announced that only 61 papers could join the international conference. Furthermore, Dr. Gunawan, M.Pd. as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of FKIP Unram conveyed the purpose of holding this activity to provide opportunities for academics and professionals from various fields related to education and social sciences.
“I believe that what will be conveyed by all the speakers at this conference, will be very important to improve and improve the quality of education in the 21st century,” said Dr. Gunawan.
The international conference was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram, Agusdin, S.E., MBA., DBA. He also conveyed several important issues related to the big theme of ACESS 2022, such as the relationship between the development of science and technology with the needs of industry and society, improving the quality of teachers and teaching processes, the quality of lecturers and research students, and the quality of new graduates, as well as several other educational issues.
“To overcome this challenge requires transformation and collaboration from the business, academia, government, society, and media sectors commonly referred to as pentahelix,” explained Agusdin.
The core presenters included Prof. Kathy Cabe Trundle, Ph.D.; Prof. Dr. Mahmud, M.Pd.; Prof. Dr. Arifuddin, M.Pd.; Dr. Jayne C. Lammers; Ana E. Mirana, Ed.D.; and Dr. Salman Alfarisi, M.Sn. As well as the guest speaker, namely Prof. Dr. Muh. Rusdi, M.Si.; Prof. Dr. Ir. Benedict Tanujaya, M.Si.; Prof. Dr. Gito Hadi Prayitno, M.Pd.; Dr. Gunawan, M.Pd.; and Drs. Kamaludin Yusra, M.A., Ph.D.
Several sub-topics were discussed at the international conference, including Character Education, Education Issues and Policies, Educational Technology and Curriculum, Inclusive Education, Assessment and Evaluation, ECCE Education, and others related to the big theme of ACESS 2022.
The implementation of ACESS 2022 is a collaboration between FKIP Unram and Riau University, Indonesia; University of Rochester, USA; and The Central Bicol State University of Agriculture, Philippines.