5 Tidar University Students Join the PMM Program at Unram

Mataram, University of Mataram – Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of University of Mataram (Unram), Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si., opened the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Independent Student Exchange Program (PMM) at the Unram Rector’s Conference Room on Wednesday (1/11).
Prof. Dr. Sitti Hilyana, M.Si. or commonly called Prof. Nana explained that the PMM program at Unram has quite high demand when compared to the ratio received. A total of 4,174 students want to come to learn and share knowledge in this PMM program, but only 400 students can be accepted.
One university sent 5 (five) students to study at Unram. The five PPM students came from Tidar University, Magelang, Central Java. The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unram when receiving the five students hoped that the PMM students from Tidar University would get valuable lessons both in campus activities and outside the campus. They are also expected to explore and learn interesting things from culture, culture, and tourism in Lombok.
“From the learning obtained, Tidar University students can get something new and can be used as a reference for your final project. So that it can provide color for Tidar University to the next generations,” she said.
Prof. Nana hopes that the output of this monitoring and evaluation can run well, so that later it can be one of the materials for improvement in the future. Unram will continue to evaluate performance and services in order to assist students.
“Important facts discovered at Unram can be conveyed, so that it will be a record and recommendation from the Unram monitoring team in order to improve assistance from this PMM program,” she concluded.