5th ICCB Discussed Marine-Based Economic Development

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – PUI-Biosciences and Biotechnology Universitas Mataram (Unram) held The 5thInternational Conference on Bioscience and Biotechnology 2022 (5th International Conference on Bioscience and Biotechnology 2022-ed) or ICBB for short: at the Prime Park Hotel, Mataram on Thursday (6/10) and Friday (7/10).
ICBB 2022 takes the topic “Current Challenges on Sustainable Utilization of Marine Resources”. The event, which was held in a hybrid manner, was held for 2 days with the first day’s agenda filled with material delivery sessions by speakers and the second day, namely panel sessions.
Vice-Rector 1 Unram, Agusdin, S.E., M.B.A., D.B.A. gave the first speech. He said that all existing sectors ranging from the government, scientists, technicians,and doctors, to sectors in the field of social sciences and policymakers to cooperate and discuss in implementing science. This is intended so that all sectors can collaborate to help face problems in marine-based economic development.
“I hope that this international conference can produce scientific papers that will be published in reputable journals so that it can become a reference and benefit many sectors,” said Agusdin.
Furthermore, Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya, Ph.D. as the Chairman of ICBB 2022 officially opened the event. He explained that the purpose of holding ICBB 2022 is to discuss the development of a marine-based economy (blue economy) and appropriate management for the use of marine resources on a local, regional, and global scale for the benefit of all mankind in the present and future.
By presenting 8 core speakers, this international seminar is expected to be able to provide and share ideas, ideas, and solutions, as well as spur collaboration to develop the potential of marine ecosystems.
The eight core speakers were Prof. Lim Phaik Eem, Ph.D. (Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia) with the material “Sustainability of Euchematoid Aquaculture in Facing Climate Change”; Dr. Kim Lee Chang (CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Australia) with the material “Alternative Source of Sustainable Microbial Long-chain Omega-3 Oils From the Sea”.
Prof. Delin Duan, Ph.D. (Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science Experimental Marine Biology Lab, China) with the material “Seaweed Extracts and Applications in China”; Assoc. Prof. Yasuhiro Kato, Ph.D. (Keio University Global Research Institute, Japan) with the material “Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Evaluation of Quality of Water, Food, and Disease on Non-Destructive Detection”; Munawar Khalil, Ph.D. (University of Indonesia) with the material “Green Synthesis of Advanced Nanomaterials Using Marine Products”.
Furthermore, Victor Nikijuluw, Ph.D. (Yayasan Konservasi Cakrawala Indonesia) with the material “Protection-Production Management (Blue Halo S): A New Strategy to Sustain Indonesian Fisheries Resources”; Cahya Kurnia Fusianto, Ph.D. (Michigan State University, USA) with the material “Viral Diseases in Aquaculture: Diversity and Biosecurity”; and Prof. Michael Yu Roleda, Ph.D. (University of the Philippines, Philippines) with the material “Aquaculture Seedstock Selection and Selective Breeding”.
This international seminar is a collaboration between Unram and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, and the G20 Indonesia.