Art Performance and Release of Students of PAUD Rinjani Unram: Creating a Healthy, Pious, Creative and Independent Golden Generation

Mataram, University of Mataram – PAUD Rinjani University of Mataram (Unram) held an Art Performance and Release of Students (Kindergarten, KB, TPA) with the theme “Creating a Healthy, Pious, Creative and Independent Golden Generation” at the Unram Dome Building on Saturday (22/6).
The supervisor of PAUD Rinjani Unram, Baiq Nilawati Astini, M.Pd., in her speech said that children’s dream is just to play and be happy. “Children’s dream every day is just to play and be happy. Every day children hope to play with their parents and friends. Even children will play by themselves with their toys every day. Therefore, we continue to innovate and update both facilities and infrastructure as a form of our appreciation to parents so that their children can enjoy playing while learning at PAUD Rinjani,” she said.
Furthermore, Nila also congratulated the children of PAUD Rinjani Unram students, and thanked for the support of all parties so the event could run smoothly. “Thank you for the support of all parties who have been involved in this activity. Congratulations to the children who will be released today, hopefully the knowledge gained will be a provision and blessing for the future,” she concluded.
The activity took place lively, displaying various creativity, interests, and talents of PAUD Rinjani Unram children and closed with a group photo.