Baznas Province of NTB Honors Unram as the Best University for Zakat Collector Unit in NTB

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) received another award from the Amil Zakat National Agency of West Nusa Tenggara Province (Baznas Province of NTB) in the category of Best University Zakat Collector Unit (UPZ) on Thursday, April 4, 2024. This award is the second award after the previous year Unram had received an award in the same category in 2023.
Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. congratulated and admitted that he was proud of Unram’s achievement.
“As the Rector of Unram, I would like to congratulate especially the Unram academic community who have contributed so that Unram received the second honor this year in the same category. In 2023 we received an honor as the Best University Zakat Collection Unit. Surely this makes us proud as a university that although our study programs are not directly related to religious studies when compared to other universities in NTB, Unram managed to get the predicate of the best university in the management of zakat, “said Prof. Bambang.
The Head of the Finance and General Bureau as well as the Head of the Team of Baznas Unram, H. Aman, SP., MM. was also proud of Unram’s achievement.
“Alhamdulillah, Unram ranks first in the Best University UPZ category. Unram always tries to be on time in terms of allocating the collected zakat. After getting the allocation of zakat distribution, we immediately distribute it, especially to contract employees and this is carried out very on time and we immediately submit the proof of zakat distribution to Baznas, “said the Head of the Unram Baznas Team.
The Head of the Unram Baznas Team further explained that there are several categories of assessment conducted by Baznas NTB. The category consists of the number of participation of employees and lecturers in issuing mal zakat every month through Baznas, the timeliness of submitting the results of zakat collection to Baznas, and the accuracy and speed in terms of zakat distribution.
Currently, there are four faculties within Unram that are involved in the management of zakat. The faculties consist of the Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry (Fatepa), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Engineering (FT), and Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK).
The Rector of Unram further stated Unram’s commitment to the management of zakat in accordance with the instructions of Baznas of NTB Province and maintaining the awards that have been given by instructing additional work units to be involved in the management of zakat by the Unram Baznas Team in the campus.