Behind the Scenes of MBKM’s Success: Opinion of Prof. Muhamad Ali, S.Pt., M.Si., Ph.D., Head of MBKM Implementation Unit IKU Unram

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program is a form of adaptation as well as learning transformation to improve the quality and relevance of university graduates facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era and its disruptive effects through improving the quality of lecturers, curriculum, and learning methods.
Through 9 forms of learning activities (teaching assistance, student exchanges, internships, research, entrepreneurship, village building projects, independent projects, humanitarian projects, and state defense) students will get education according to the latest conditions and demands so that they acquire 21st century skill sets to face the current and future VUCA (Volatile, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) ecosystem.
MBKM activities will provide opportunities for students to gain contextual learning experiences to enrich and improve their insights and competencies in the real world according to their talents, potential, and aspirations.
The focus and objectives that Unram wants to achieve through this MBKM program are to improve the quality and relevance of graduates in order to ensure that Unram graduates can become drivers of the productive age population who are able to contribute actively and positively to development.
Various forms of MBKM learning activities are expected to prepare students to become true learners who are flexible, agile, and competent. The involvement of communities and institutions outside the campus as well as the business and industrial world in 9 forms of learning activities will provide a contextual “academic milieu” to students about the needs of future skills needed.
The presence of students directly in the community, the business and industrial world will be able to contribute the latest innovative ideas based on strong scientific knowledge brought from the campus ecosystem. The mutual interaction will accelerate the formation of a knowledge-based society towards the Golden Indonesia 2045.
The challenges faced by Unram in undergoing the MBKM program include the unified mindset of the academic community in implementing MBKM. Students who think progressively are still not supported by a handful of teaching staff (lecturers) who have a fixed mindset of face to face learning, as well as education staff who still adhere to learning in the classroom. This condition is exacerbated by the limited hybrid/blended learning platform.