BEM-KM FKIK Unram Educates on Bullying Prevention

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Ministry of Education and Profession (Pendpro) of BEM-KM Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Mataram (FKIK Unram) responded to the problem of bullying in the school environment through an education programme entitled “Safe Zones for All: Bullying Education and Prevention” at SMPN 1 Pujut on 7 September 2024.
Satria Restu Pramudia and Nandana Aryanta as the person in charge of the event said that this activity aims to invite students to understand the dangers of bullying and the importance of creating a safe and positive school environment.
The phenomenon of bullying in the school environment, especially at the Junior High School (SMP) level, is getting more concerning. Data from the Federation of Indonesian Teachers’ Unions (FSGI) shows that by 2023, 50% of bullying cases occurred at the junior high school level.
“This number is a serious concern because the impact is not only physically and psychologically injuring the victims, but also disrupting the teaching and learning process and creating a non-conducive school environment,” said Satria.
This education took place with interactive discussions and simulations, where students were invited to actively recognise the signs of bullying and learn how to prevent and handle it. The enthusiasm of the participants was highly expressed, showing an increased awareness of the importance of empathy and mutual respect among students.
This activity is expected to be the first step in building a bullying-free school, allowing every student to feel safe and supported in their learning environment.