BEM KM for the Country 2024: Students’ First Step to Improve Health Status of Small Island Communities

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Student Executive Board (BEM KM) of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Mataram (FKIK Unram) again organized the annual BEM KM For the Nation 2024 event. Entitled “Empowering Coastal Communities for Better Health”, this activity aims to improve the health status of the community through increasing public understanding and concern for personal health and the surrounding environment on Maringkik Island, East Lombok Regency.
This activity took place for two consecutive days on August 10-11, 2024. Maringkik Island, which is known for its difficult access, became the main location of this service program. In this activity, the Maringkik Island community received health education and free health check-up services, which they rarely receive due to the lack of health facilities on the island.
On the first day (10/8), the BEM KM FKIK Unram team held a health counseling on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) to children at SDN 1 Maringkik delivered by Diska Aprisa Lestari as the speaker. In addition, health counseling for adults regarding hypertension delivered by Dr. Alfian Muhazir, S.Ked., M.M., M.KM which was held at the Maringkik Village Office.
Then on the second day (11/8), a social service activity was held in the form of free health examination services attended by 150 residents of Maringkik Island, located at the Maringkik Village Office.
Health examination activities include anthropometric measurements (height), blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol and uric acid levels. Local residents also had the opportunity to consult with general practitioners, Dr. Zanetha Mauly Ilawanda, Dr. Genta Faesal Atsani, Dr. Lalu Wahyu Alfian Muharzami, Dr. Andi Agung Riatmojo, and Dr. Ninda Nurkhalifah.
One of the benefits of this activity is the availability of ultrasound services for pregnant women, conducted by obstetricians, Dr. Intan Wahyu Lasiaprillianty, Sp.OG and Dr. Ario Danianto, Sp.OG.Subsp.K.Fm. In addition to the examination, the community also received prescription drugs followed by counseling on the use of drugs by pharmacists, such as apt. Nadya Arianita Turisia, S.Farm., apt. Siska Yunita Damiyati, S.Farm., and apt. Khairun Nissa, S.Farm.
BEM KM For the Nation’s activities not only involved students, but also received support from various sponsors, including the Indonesian Doctors Association of the NTB Region (IDI NTB), Villa Fialka, Nia Pharmacy, East Lombok Regional Police, Regional General Hospital of the City of Mataram (RSUD Kota Mataram), Hepatika, Langko Pharmacy, Tika Farma Pharmacy, and Titian Hidayah.
The Head of the Committee of BEM KM for the Nation 2024, Afifah Tasya Kamila, hopes that this service activity can have a positive impact on the people of Maringkik Island, especially in increasing the knowledge of the people of Maringkik Island about disease prevention and treatment. And children in Maringkik Village, especially students of SDN 1 Maringkik Village, can be aware of their own health, especially the importance of clean and healthy living behavior from an early age.
“Through this forum, it is hoped that all committees will have the opportunity to share experiences, discuss, and together find solutions to face the challenges in the health sector, especially in coastal areas,” she said