Benchmarking of LPPM UNSOED to LPPM University of Mataram

Published On: 27 December, 2023By Tags: , ,

Mataram, University of Mataram – Research and Community Service Institute of University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) received a visit from the Research and Community Service Institute of Jendral Soedirman University (LPPM UNSOED). In order to improve competence in the realm of publication of reputable national and international journal articles, journal management, and initiation of cooperation between LPPM UNSOED and LPPM UNRAM took place in the Main Conference Room of LPPM Unram on Thursday (21/12).

The meeting was attended by UNSOED Publication Puskor Team Coordinator Afik Hardanto, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D accompanied by Hana Hanifa, S.P., M.Sc. as Secretary and several members including Ulil Afwa, S.H., M.H; Ifldah Setiawati, S.P., M.P.; Muhamad Baedowi, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.; and Safrina Arifiani Felayati, M.A..

From LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. as the Head of LPPM accompanied by Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP. as Secretary; KKN and Cooperation Coordinator, Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, ST.., MT, IPU; Service Coordinator, Dr. Faturrahman, S.Pt., M.Si; Programme, Information Data and Quality Coordinator, I Wayan Sudiarta, Ph.D.; and Publication, Conference and IPR Coordinator, Prof. Drs. Aris Doyan, M.Si., Ph.D..

Starting this meeting, the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. welcomed the presence of LPPM UNSOED followed by the duties and structural of LPPM Unram.

“LPPM University of Mataram continues to accelerate the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Various efforts have been made to improve the achievement of the IKU of the University of Mataram, especially those related to research and community service (PKM), this is certainly inseparable from efforts to realize the vision to become an internationally competitive research-based higher education institution. Various efforts have been made including the addition of research and service schemes, national and international conferences, assistance in strengthening the number of scientific publications etc., “he said.

Unram’s priority development program in the 2021-2025 period is an initiative to achieve “Unram Internationalization” in order to strengthen Unram’s competitiveness at the international level. The meaning of Unram’s internationalization is the implementation of Unram’s tridharma which is related and internationally standardized in order to adapt to the intense competition in the global era and the industrial revolution 4.0. Unram is required to have human resources and tools (curriculum) to produce graduates who have global competence by strengthening innovation, expanding networking and collaboration.

The implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education at Unram must be conducted in an integrated and programmed manner to achieve the vision, mission and goals that have been set. In the field of research and community service, the planning and implementation must be integrated and synergistic with the education dharma. Research is directed according to needs, based on local resources, using international standard methods so as to produce science and technology for updating learning and innovation that can be used by the community and can be recognized internationally.

Dr. Faturrahman, as the Service Coordinator explained that, “Research results that are internationally recognized and can be used by the community are directed to achieve IKU 5, that is, lecturers’ work is used by the community or gets international recognition. The implementation of community service must based on the results of studies and research that are relevant to the needs of the community, DUDI, and policy makers. Thus, the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education at Unram is an integral part of duties and responsibilities of the entire Unram academic community”.

In addition, Unram is required to be able to contribute as a catalyst in the transformation of the economy which has been resource-based (resources-based economy) towards a economy based on technology and innovation (technology and innovation-based economy) that is harmonious with the ecosystem.

I Wayan Sudiarta, Ph.D., Coordinator of Programs, Information Data and Quality offered that, “To accelerate the achievement of the vision and mission, the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) policy, and the achievement of Unram’s Main Performance Indicators (IKU), as well as Unram’s benefits for the partners, LPPM Unram is refocusing priority research on 5 regional locuses with 5 research focuses.”

Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, M.P. emphasized, “Based on the excellence of research resources, contributions to research performance and community service, as well as achievements in national competitive research, including laboratories, Science and Technology Excellence Centers, and other aspects, Unram sets five main focuses in research activities. The five research focuses include: (1) food, (2) health and medicine, (3) energy, (4) environment and tourism, and (5) education, social, economic, legal, and humanities. The existence of 5 locus with 5 research focuses is expected to encourage the realization of synergism between LPPM Unram and LPPM UNSOED to be more concrete and useful for the community, government, business world, and the workplace.”

In addition to conducting research and community service, Unram is also actively collaborates in national and international conference activities both in the fields of SCIENCE and SOCIETY.

Prof. Drs. Aris Doyan, M.Si., Ph.D. as the Coordinator of Publications, Conferences and IPR in his presentation, “Every year LPPM Universitas Mataram holds international seminars and national seminars both in the fields of SCIENCE and SOCIUM studies. This is one of the tactical and concrete steps to establish collaborative activities that can benefit each university in disseminating its research products and strengthening outputs in the form of publications.”

Unram in implementing community service is not only conducted by lecturers / researchers but also students through Real Work Lecture (KKN) Village Community Empowerment (PMD) activities based on problems in the community.

In this case, Dr. Misbahuddin as the Coordinator of KKN and Cooperation explained, “KKN-PMD in 2023 consists of 14 themes including Desapreneur, Advanced and Zero Agricultural Villages, Tourism Villages, Healthy Villages, Advanced and Sustainable Agricultural Villages especially Porang, Corn, Rice, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Commodities in Dompu Regency, Disaster Resilient Villages (DESTANA), Healthy Villages with Stunting Themes, Digital Villages, and Underdeveloped Villages.”

The series in the implementation of KKN is not only teaching in the community but also publishing activities and work programs in the form of print / online media and published as an article through the National Seminar Gelar Wicara University of Mataram.

Therefore, collaboration between universities is very necessary to be built so that they are able to plan, coordinate, evaluate, control and strive to continue to improve the relevance and standards of research and community service.

Afik Hardanto, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Coordinator of the UNSOED Publication Puskor Team explained that, “The implementation of this benchmarking is in order to initiate research and community service cooperation and strengthen publications between LPPM University of Trunojoyo Madura and LPPM University of Mataram.”

In this meeting, LPPM Unram and LPPM UNSOED agreed to collaborate on collaborative research activities, community service, publication of reputable national and international journal articles, journal management, and initiation of cooperation and KKN. Strategic collaboration between universities with their respective expertise specifications can be formulated properly, so that the community, local government, and universities can work together in synergy to build community and national well-being.