BKPK Unram Held Introduction to the World of Work Training

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Implementation Unit of Counseling guidance and Career Development Techniques (UPT BKPK) of Universitas Mataram held an Introduction to the World of Work Training in the Theater room of building C of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB Unram) on Thursday, October 6, 2022.
Apt. Yoga Dwi Saputra S.Pharm., M.Pharm. as the chairman of the Organizing Committee said that currently we have entered the era of the comprehensive Industrial Revolution 4.0 which envelops all aspects of production from industry through the fusion of digital technology and the internet. “The industrial revolution 4.0 prioritizes the element of speed from the availability of information, where all entities of an industrial environment are always connected and can share information with each other,” he said.
Yoga added that to face it all we must improve ourselves, one of which is by improving soft skills. Students have been equipped with hard skills or academic skills in college, but are still rarely given soft skills. “You will really need this soft skill in every type of work. For that, you are the lucky ones to be present in this room to get that added ability from our great presenters today,” he said.
Representing the Rector of Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Enny Yuliani, M.Si as Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs, expressed hope that this kind of activity could increase the culture of the spirit of entrepreneurship and achievement among students more deeply, as well as learn a lot about what is needed after graduation. “In an all-digital era, almost all human activities are taken over. This is a challenge for the adapting millennial generation. It can’t just have a diploma and transcript. You have to have soft skills,” he said.
Prof. Enny also explained that since 2020, the most sought-after soft skills are creativity. “Creative thinking is an important skill. Creative thinking is a high-level thinking ability. There should be no more non-tech savvy person, the atmosphere is different, technology is advanced,” said Vice Rector 3.
The activity was filled by qualified speakers in their fields; Samsul Hadi as the President Director of PT. Golden NTB Gate, M. Basufi Rahman as HRD PT. Krida Dinamika Autonusa, Pujiarohman, S.Psi., M.Psi. Psychologist as The Head of UPT. BKPK, and a Moringa Tea businessman, Erwin Irawan S.P.