BPDPKS and LPPM Unram Encourage Technology Development to Achieve Resilient National Palm Oil Industry in Global Market through Socialization of Palm Oil Research Grant Program 2024

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS) along with the University of Mataram (Unram) through the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) held a socialization of the 2024 Palm Oil Research Grant Program at the Auditorium M. Yusuf Abu Bakar Unram on Monday, October 15, 2024.
This socialization aims to introduce the palm oil research funding scheme to create technology and/or policies that can create a resilient national palm oil industry in the global market, and was attended by various related parties, including researchers, academics, and palm oil industry practitioners.
In this activity attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. as Head of LPPM Unram accompanied by Secretary Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, M.P., as well as 58 lecturers and researchers in Unram, and presented competent speakers in his fields, Prof. (Ris). Didiek Hadjar Goenadi, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU, INV.
“Through this research, we hope to encourage innovation and the application of new technologies that will increase the productivity and sustainability of the palm oil industry in Indonesia,” said Prof. (Ris). Didiek Hadjar, Coordinator of the Research and Development Committee of BPDPKS.
The program covers a wide range of research themes, from improving cultivation techniques, processing, to marketing aspects and environmental sustainability. Socialization participants are expected to actively participate in submitting research proposals that are in line with established research priorities.
“The collaboration between BPDPKS and Unram is expected to produce concrete solutions, to address the challenges faced by the palm oil industry and provide benefits to society and the national economy,” he added.
This socialization is expected to encourage collaboration between academics and industry to ensure that the research conducted can have a significant impact on the development of the palm oil sector in Indonesia.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. as the Head of LPPM Unram as well as the moderator in this socialization activity emphasized “With great enthusiasm, we welcome the socialization of the 2024 Palm Oil Research Grant Program held by BPDPKS in collaboration with Unram,” he said.
This activity is a strategic step that allows researchers within Unram to develop research proposals that are in line with the focus and priorities set by BPDPKS.
“We invite all researchers to actively participate in this program by submitting relevant ideas. This socialization is a valuable opportunity to strengthen collaboration between academia and industry. By focusing research on all upstream to downstream aspects of oil palm plantations, we hope to bring in resource persons directly to conduct proposal clinics before submittal. This aims to ensure that the proposals produced can make a real contribution to the development of a sustainable and competitive palm oil sector,” said Prof. Sukartono.
To conclude, Prof. Sukartono expressed his gratitude to all participants who had attended the socialization of the 2024 Palm Oil Research Grant Program. With collaboration, BPDPKS and LPPM Unram are committed to produce technology and policies that will strengthen the national palm oil industry in the global market, and work together to realize a competitive and sustainable future for the Indonesian palm oil sector.
Further information about the 2024 Palm Oil Research Grant Program can be accessed through the official BPDPKS website.