Through the National Music Review, BPIP promoted Pancasila values.

Mataram, Universitas Mataram –
The Pancasila Ideology Development Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPIP) held the 2022 National Music Review (Bedah Musik Nasional) at the M. Yusuf Abubakar Auditorium, Universitas Mataram (Unram) on Thursday, December 1, 2022. This event aims to socialize Pancasila values through music. And it was carried out in a hybrid format at the M. Yusuf Abubakar Unram Auditorium via live streaming on the BPIP RI Youtube account. The national event was also attended by the Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives, Dr. H. Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tandjung, S.Si., M.T.; Member of Commission III of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Hj. Sari Yuliati, M.T.; Deputy Head of BPIP RI, DR. Drs. Karjono, S.H., M.Hum.; Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D.; Professor of Law, Prof. Dr. Gatot Dwi Hendro Wibowo, S.H., M.H.; and Indonesian House Song Artist, Conrad GV who will also be a resource person in the talk show session with the moderator, namely Prof. Dr. Kurniawan, S.H., M.Hum. as Vice Rector II Unram. In his speech, the rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., emphasized that in the midst of diversity and differences in Indonesia, do not cause disputes. He instilled the idea that we are the owners of this nation, and we are also the ones who must try to protect the Indonesian nation. “Indonesia is our common property,” he said. “My message to the younger generation, please continue to learn. “Use this campus to continue studying, use the campus to get to know each other, and each other’s culture,” concluded Prof. Bambang. Furthermore, the event at which the Head of BPIP RI represented by the Deputy for Inter-Institutional Relations of Socialization, Communication, and Network of BPIP RI, namely Ir. Prakoso, M.M. explained that through this activity, it was possible to line up the values of Pancasila for the audience at that time. Through music and the meaning of music, it can all evoke a sense of nationalism. “The indicator is that after we listen today, coming out of this building, the younger brothers and sisters’ sense of nationality is getting thicker,” he told the students in the Auditorium Building. He revealed that Pancasila is an intangible asset for the country. And the values in it should be taken care of and implemented in everyday life. Unity, tolerance, humanity, and social justice for all Indonesians—those are the values that connect or unify this nation. “With us having morals in the country of Indonesia, the difference conveyed by the rector earlier is a necessity to become a positive potential that we must optimize for the academic community at the University of Mataram,” he continued. The National Music Review event was enlivened by the performance of national anthems by Indra Sabil, Agushafi, and Awing, Irang Arkad, and Conrad GV, a supporting artist for the album Lagu Rumah Indonesia.