CESFARM Unram Conducts Garlic Processing Training for East Lombok Regency Farmers

Mataram, University of Mataram – Monday-Wednesday, November 13-15, 2023. The Center for Sustainable Farm Systems (CESFARMS), a research center under the Research and Community Service Center of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram), in collaboration with the East Lombok Regency Agriculture Office conducted Garlic Processing Training for East Lombok Regency Farmers through the UPLAND Project. This activity took place at Griya Asri Hotel Mataram on November 13-15, 2023.
In this activity, the Head of the East Lombok Regency Agriculture Office, Darajata, S.Pt. M.Si. and the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. accompanied by the Chief Executive of the Training, Ir. I Gusti Lanang Parta Tanaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D..
The UPLAND Project continues to develop agricultural potential in hilly and mountainous areas, where the project targets increasing agricultural production and the welfare of farmers in various regions.
Starting this garlic processing training activity, Ir. I Gusti Lanang Parta Tanaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D. as the Chief Executive reported that, “empowerment of Women Farmers Group (KWT) is a potential human resource and can play an active role in improving the village economy, especially in 3 sub-districts in East Lombok Regency, including Suela District, Sembalun District, and Wanasaba District. However, it is necessary to increase their quality, including empowerment in the form of active training in processing local potential food ingredients.”
The Head of the East Lombok District Agriculture Office, Darajata, S.Pt., M.Si in his speech emphasized, “the development of garlic in the UPLAND Project is included in the high response category. Agricultural development with this garlic commodity received a very good response from farmers. Not only getting cultivation assistance, but also in the UPLAND Project farmers are expected to get lots of benefits.”
“The benefits that the farmers receive includes the procurement of agricultural infrastructure, the establishment and strengthening of agricultural institutions, capital, and several other supporting training activities,” added Darajata.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. as the Head of LPPM Unram when officially opens the training event said, “In general, the Garlic Processing Training program for East Lombok Regency Farmers, Women Farmers Group conducted by UPLAND Project with CESFARMS University of Mataram aims to increase the economic independence of women farmers, improve living standards, and increase the role and influence of female farmers in rural development. The program also aims to help reduce the gender gap in the agricultural sector and help female farmers play a more active role in rural agricultural development.”
The speakers in this activity included, Ir. Indrajayata as the NTB Regional Agronomy Expert with the Material Application & Practice of Making Jakaba; Dr. H. Satrijo Saloko, Lecturer at the Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry Unram with Halal-HACCP Material in Online Food Industry and Introduction to Halal Certification: Halal Regulation in Indonesia; Masithah as NTB Regional Training Expert with Value Chain material.
Furthermore, Sukmawaty with the material on the Application of Good Handling Practices (GHP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) of Garlic; I Wayan Sweca Yasa, Lecturer at the Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry Unram with the Material of Processing Garlic into Powder (Garlic Powder); Ir. I Gusti Lanang Parta Tanaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D. as Lecturer of the Faculty of Agriculture Unram with material on Increasing Garlic Value Added, Garlic Business Feasibility, Packaging and Labeling and Online Marketing; and Rini Nofrida, S.TP., M.Si as Lecturer of the Faculty of Food Technology and Agroindustry Unram with Garlic Paste Material.