CESFARMS Unram Provides Garlic Business Development and Marketing Training for East Lombok Regency Farmers

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Center for Sustainable Farm Systems University of Mataram (CESFARMS Unram) in collaboration with the East Lombok Regency Agriculture Office continues the Garlic Business Development and Marketing Training program for East Lombok Regency Farmers through the UPLAND Project. This activity took place on Wednesday (11/22) at Griya Asri Hotel Mataram.
In this activity, attended by the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. accompanied by the Chief Executive of the Training, Ir. I Gusti Lanang Parta Tanaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D..
Starting this training activity, Ir. I Gusti Lanang Parta Tanaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D. as the Chief Executive reported that this training activity was a continuity of the training conducted in the previous week. This training was attended by 30 participants consisting of 20 female participants and 10 male participants from 3 sub-districts, including: Sembalun, Suela, and Sembalun sub-districts: Sembalun, Suela, and Wanasaba sub-districts.
“The collaboration between CESFARMS University of Mataram and the East Lombok Regency Agriculture Office through the UPLAND Project will continue to strive to develop agricultural potential in hilly and mountainous areas, especially farmers producing garlic commodities in East Lombok Regency. This is because East Lombok Regency is predicted to be the center of garlic production for Eastern Indonesia,” said the Chief Executive.
East Lombok as one of the largest garlic centers in Indonesia has a contribution of 52% to the national harvest area. Breakthroughs in the seedling, cultivation and post-harvest processing sectors have been made through cooperation in this UPLAND project to prepare East Lombok Regency as a center for garlic commodity development.
Farmers who are members of this training program are classified as productive farmers. This can be seen from the age range of around 25-73 years, where the age in the range of 15-64 years is included in the productive category. This means that most of the farmers participating in the UPLAND Project are at a productive age.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. as the Head of LPPM Unram on this occasion presented a speech as well as officially opened the training event.
“Through the UPLAND project, we all hope that the garlic commodity produced by farmers in these 3 sub-districts will not only restore the glory of East Lombok as a potential area for garlic development, but also have a positive impact on the economic development of the East Lombok community in general,” explained Prof. Sukartono.
The speakers in this activity included Ir. I Gusti Lanang Parta Tanaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D. as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture Unram with material on Branding and Marketing Media, Garlic Value Chain and Marketing, Garlic Market Access and Auction Markets, Preparation of Marketing Improvement Work Plans, Agricultural Institutions in Indonesia.
Furthermore, related material on the Basics of Garlic Commodity Product Marketing was presented by Ni Made Wirastika Sari, SP, M.Si., Lecturer of Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Unram. Then, Ir. Nurtaji Wathoni, M.Si. with material on Cost-Revenue, Efficiency of Garlic Farming Business, and Rini Nofrida with material on Licensing and Halal Certification and HACCP, and Fitri Danasari, SP., M.Si. with material on Business Model Canvas and Business Planning.
This program is conducted in an integrated manner with various training, mentoring and assistance. This step is a mandatory effort for the East Lombok Regency Government and related parties (CESFARMS Unram) to fulfill the common goal towards Indonesian Garlic Self-Sufficiency.