Collaboration between LPPM Unram and BRIDA KSB, Anticipating Disruptive Era

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Institute for Research and Community Service of Universitas Mataram (LPPM Unram) collaborated with the Regional Research and Innovation Agency of West Sumbawa Regency (BRIDA KSB) on Monday (5/2) in Taliwang, West Sumbawa.
Cooperation between the Regional Government (Pemda) and Higher Education is something that must be given more attention today, given the disruptive era which is a challenge that we must face together. The disruptive era requires a place to exchange experiences, knowledge, and discuss and synergise innovative products, works and services. Therefore, synergy with the Regional Government is needed in facing this disruptive era.
Responding to this, LPPM Unram together with BRIDA West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) agreed to collaborate on regional strategic studies such as vulnerability to drought disasters, tourism destination development strategies and MSME-based PUB development strategies.
In this activity the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. assigned the Head of the Centre for KKN and Cooperation, Dr. Ir. Misbahuddin, S.T., M.T., IPU. accompanied by Dr. Burhanuddin, M.Hum.; Ir. Lalu Arifin Aria Bakti, M.Agr.; Arben Virgota, S.Pi., M.Si.; and Siska Ita Selvia, S.T., M.URP.
Starting this activity Dr Ir. Misbahuddin, S.T., M.T., IPU. delivered, “The enthusiasm of the campus to carry out research cooperation with the Regional Government of West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) through BRIDA. We hope that this cooperation will continue and the research results can be utilised as a database and also a foundation for decision making or policy formulation by relevant stakeholders.”
Awareness of improving the quality of the implementation of research and community service activities, building cooperation with the KSB Regional Government is important for universities. Building collaboration between universities and local governments, besides being able to improve the quality of research and community service activities, is more importantly expected to provide tangible benefits to the community.
This activity took place with a preliminary seminar presentation process on two study topics, namely the Drought Disaster Vulnerability Study in KSB presented by Ir. Lalu Arifin Aria Bakti, M.Agr.; Arben Virgota, S.Pi., M.Si.; and Siska Ita Selvia S.T., M.URP. The first presentation was attended by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Agriculture Office, Food Security Office, Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA), BRIDA and also the Regional Research Council (DRD). All stakeholders present actively provided input and were also prepared to support the provision of data needed for the research activities.
The second session, the presentation of the Study of Tourism Village Destination Development Strategies in KSB by Dr. Burhanuddin, M.Hum and was also attended by several stakeholders such as the Tourism Office, DRD KSB, and so on. BRIDA KSB welcomed with enthusiasm to make the study products of good quality, so that it would be the beginning of inclusive cooperation.
Responding to this, the Head of LPPM Unram Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. said that with technological advances and opportunities from this disruptive era, Unram and KSB Regional Government can play a role in regional progress.
“Unram and PEMDA as equal partners will be better able to encourage a progressive and innovative West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) for the benefit of the people,” he explained.