Unram Merdeka Fair 2022 successfully held

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – Collaboration between the Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas Mataram (LPPM), Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Unram, and Student Motivators—Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MP-MBKM) Unram 2022, the Unram Merdeka Fair 2022, with the theme “Millennial Generation Synergy in the Sasambo Cultural Frame.” The success was held on Sunday (13/11) at the M. Yusuf Abu Bakar Auditorium, Unram.
The Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Agustian Primarya Putra, conveyed the purpose of implementing the activity. “Our goal in organising this event is to provide opportunities for Universitas Mataram students and MBKM programme students, because this is the right momentum in spurring the improvement of the quality and quantity of the Merdeka Campus, as well as realising the Merdeka Campus programme in various series such as MBKM Talkshows, MBKM Works Exhibition, Sasambo Fest, Nusantara Module Festival, and Awarding Night,” he explained.
In the event, Rudi Siswandi, who is the Chairman of MP-MBKM, clarified the purpose of holding the Unram Merdeka Fair. “Unram Merdeka Fair is for branding MBKM so that friends can join the extraordinary programmes that MBKM has provided,” he said.
He also expressed hope for the implementation of this activity. “Hopefully, all friends can be more encouraged to participate in implementing MBKM in the future, just like our friends who are in this room,” he said.
On the occasion, the Secretary of MBKM Unram, Dr. Aliefman Hakim, S.Si., M.Si. He also stated that Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka has the right to study outside of the study programme for a maximum of three semesters, namely one semester on the Unram Campus and two semesters elsewhere.
“There are 9 BKP (forms of learning activities) carried out during the 2 semesters. The first step is student exchange.As seen on today’s occasion, there are students from various universities who come later to study at the Universitas Mataram. “Then there are also forms of internships, humanitarian projects, entrepreneurship, research, village building, and so on,” explained Secretary MBKM Unram.
In this activity, the student affairs coordinator and MBKM Talkshow resource, Dr. Edy Heryanto, M.Ed. as the Implementing Unit of MBKM Unram and TGH were also present. Hasanain Juaini, LC., M.H. as the Head of Nurul Haramain Islamic Boarding School.
In addition to the MBKM talk show, the activity continued with Sasambo Fest, NTB Local Literature Talk, and closed with the awarding night.