Creating a Superior Generation, Unram Holds Character Development and Handover of KIPK 2024 Savings Book

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – Mataram University (Unram) held Character Development and KIPK Savings Book Handover for students receiving Indonesia Smart College Card (KIPK) support, located at the M. Yusuf AbuBakar Auditorium on Saturday and Sunday, November 23-24, 2024. This activity is an important moment in equipping the younger generation, especially KIPK recipient students with academic, social, and entrepreneurial skills.
Dwi Siswanto, S.Kom., MM, as Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau of Unram, emphasized the importance of changing perspectives in realizing Unram’s vision as a superior and globally competitive higher education institution. “Mindset improvement must be the first step. Excellent and global is not just a hope, but a necessity that we must implement in our daily lives,” he said.
On this occasion, Dwi also highlighted the relevance of Society 5.0, where technology has become an integral part in today’s life. Through this opportunity, the Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau explained that Unram has provided supporting facilities such as fast internet access, libraries, and ProQuest international journals to encourage excellent students in the academic field.
Dwi Siswanto also reminded that academic ability needs to be balanced with the development of soft skills. “Leadership is not only about yourself, but how to influence and lead others, and convey ideas effectively through good communication,” he explained. Students are also invited to be active in various Student Activity Units (UKM) at Unram, as a means of enriching social interaction and improving leadership skills.
This series of activities was even more lively with the presence of inspirational speakers. Dr. H. Lalu Ahmad Zaenuri, M.A., discussed character building as the foundation of success; Student Creativity Program (PKM) delivered by Drs. Jackson Siahaan, M.Pd.; Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW) delivered by Rini Nofrida, S.TP., M.Si. Students were also introduced to the Formadiksi organization as a forum for KIPK students, and received valuable motivation from KIPK alumni who have had successful careers.
Through this activity, Unram not only equips students with knowledge, but also builds tough character and leadership spirit. With a superior and global spirit, KIPK students are expected to become agents of change who have a positive impact on society, the nation and the world.