Dedication of Unram Towards PTN-BH: Civil Engineering Undergraduate Study Program Achieves Superior Accreditation

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram (FT Unram) celebrated the success of the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Study Program (Prodi) after successfully achieving superior accreditation from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Engineering Study Programs (LAM Teknik). This success is the result of the commitment and hard work of the entire academic community in improving the quality of education in the field of Civil Engineering.
According to the LAM Engineering decision released on April 21, 2024, FT Unram’s S1 Civil Engineering Study Program has met all the criteria set by the accreditation agency and achieved a superior predicate in the evaluation process.
The Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. expressed his appreciation for the achievements of the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program. He said that this success was not only a pride for the faculty and university, but also an encouragement for all students and staff to continue to strive to achieve higher standards.
“I, the Rector of Unram, on behalf of the entire academic community, would like to congratulate and succeed in the achievement of superior accreditation by the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Study Program of the Faculty of Engineering based on the decision of the LAM Engineering. This is one of the results when in early 2022 we took the initiative to open an institution called the Accreditation Acceleration Unit of Unram. So the Accreditation Acceleration Unit works closely with LPMPP and the Faculty of Engineering. Then try on how the accreditation at the Faculty of Engineering becomes superior accreditation,” he said.
Prof. Bambang emphasized that this is the commitment of Unram to support the development and improvement of the quality of higher education in Indonesia, by continuing to increase the number of superior accredited study programs at Unram.
“In the future, hopefully there will be more study programs because we just got the good news that Undergraduate Education in Sociology also received superior accreditation. Why then Unram aspires to increase the number of superior accreditation in study programs in Unram. Our target this year is that we will re-accredit the institution, Accreditation of Higher Education (APT). So that with the addition of superior accreditation in the study program, Unram’s chances of becoming a superior accredited university will increase, that is the big goal, “he explained.
The 10th Rector of Unram also revealed that even though Unram had achieved APT, Unram would not stop there. Unram will try to make sure that all study programs in Unram are accredited superior and can be the basis of assessment for Unram in heading towards a State University with Legal Status (PTN-BH).
“PTN-BH, according to the rules, at least 60% of study programs in a university must be accredited superior. Only then can we get the title of PTN-BH, it is Unram’s goal in the future in 2025, 2026 or at the latest in 2027 we will go to PTN BH. This is all related, so the accreditation of study programs will support university accreditation, then university accreditation and study program accreditation will support towards PTN-BH, this is roughly the connection. Therefore, I ask all parties from Unram to support the acceleration of accreditation towards excellence so that Unram is equal in terms of quality with national and international universities,” concluded Prof. Bambang.
In addition, the Dean of FT Unram, Muhamad Syamsu Iqbal, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., expressed his great pride in this achievement. He said that this superior accreditation is clear evidence of the faculty’s collective efforts in producing quality graduates who are ready to compete at the national and international levels.
“Alhamdulillah, we are grateful that the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program of FT Unram has finally been accredited Superior by LAM Engineering, which by BANPT five years ago we almost received accreditation A (Superior), but lacked a few points so at that time it was still accredited B. As the oldest study program, with the largest number of lecturers and professors in FT Unram, Unram Civil Engineering Study Program deserves to have a superior title, “he said.
The Dean of FT Unram also added that this achievement will motivate them to continue to improve education and research standards in the future.
“Unram Civil Engineering is one of the study programs with a tight rate of new student admissions below 10%, which means that it is still very attractive to the community. With this capital, God willing, Unram Civil Engineering will continue to improve its services to the community, including expanding the scope of educational services both at the existing undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as the doctoral level for which we are preparing the opening proposal,” he concluded.
With the acquisition of this superior accreditation, FT Unram’s Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program is increasingly trusted as one of the best choices for prospective students who want to pursue a career in civil engineering. This achievement also strengthens Unram’s position as an educational institution that is committed to quality and innovation in the world of engineering.