Dissemination of the Results of Dikti Lecturer’s Post Doctoral Program Unram Lecturer to UK in 2023

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) held a dissemination activity of the Results of the Dikti Post Doctoral Program 2023 which was attended by one of the Unram lecturers, apt. Anggit Listyacahyani Sunarwidhi, M.Sc., PhD, at The University of Manchester, UK. This dissemination activity took place in the Main Conference Room of LPPM Unram on Thursday (14/12).
On this occasion, the Head of LPPM Unram Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. was present; apt. Anggit Listyacahyani Sunarwidhi, M.Sc., PhD, as the resource person and recipient of the 2023 Post Doctoral Dikti grant; Vice Deans for Academic Affairs; and several young doctoral lecturers in Unram.
Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. in his speech explained that, “In the era of progress and development of education and technology that takes place very quickly and has directly affected people’s lives, higher education has a very important role in providing high quality human resources that are able to compete globally. For this reason, qualified lecturers are needed in higher education, who continuously improve their competence as professional educators and scientists.”
The Dikti Post Doctoral Program is an activity facilitated by Dikti to provide opportunities for all Indonesian lecturers to increase their capacity through several activities such as research, important case studies / studies, internships in industry, innovating with partners, sit-in in an important course, attending seminars / workshops / conferences, and building networks with foreign universities and industries and other relevant international institutions. Furthermore, the Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture emphasized that this is a golden opportunity for young doctors to improve their competence and insight in the field of their doctoral studies while bringing benefits to the development of their home institutions.
This year, one of Unram’s lecturers, apt. Anggit Listyacahyani Sunarwidhi, M.Sc., PhD, has successfully passed the national selection to become one of 12 young doctoral lecturers in Indonesia who received the Dikti 2023 Post Doctoral grant. On this occasion, Dr. apt. Anggit explained that he chose to do this activity by conducting a visitation to The University of Manchester because of the excellent reputation of this university, where this university is included in the world’s top 20 ranking universities in the field of science that he is working on, namely the field of pharmaceutical science.
In addition, The University of Manchester is also a research-based university so it is expected to be useful in the development of Unram which is also a research-based university.
Through this program, Dr. apt. Anggit explored her research on the application of omics technology in skin health and drug development. During her time there, Dr. apt. Anggit also had the opportunity to discuss directly with expert researchers related to the research he was working on so that he could improve the quality of the research. Other activities include attending various workshops and seminars related to the development of research and academic expertise.
Dr. apt. Anggit also had the experience of giving a guest lecture at the university on the topic of exploring seaweed applications for skin health. In addition to research, he also studied the learning and teaching system applied at the university which is expected to be applied at Unram. Furthermore, on this occasion there was also a discussion on the initiation of planning for future cooperation and it is hoped that in the future there can be a sustainable collaboration between Unram and The University of Manchester.
At the end of the event, the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir Sukartono, M.Agr., expressed his hope that in the future more Unram lecturers can participate in this activity, because this activity not only improves the ability of the lecturers themselves but can contribute to the achievement of the main performance indicators (KPI) of State Universities, namely KPI 3 (Lecturers Doing Tridharma Activities Off Campus); KPI 5 (Lecturer Work Results Used by the Community or Get International Recognition); KPI 6 (Study Programs in Collaboration with World Class Partners); and KPI 8 (International Standard Study Programs).