Education and Socialization of Bank Indonesia Scholarship Program at Unram

Mataram, University of Mataram – Wednesday, February 12, 2025, Bank Indonesia held an education session and socialization of scholarship programs for students of the University of Mataram (Unram). This activity aims to provide a deeper understanding of the role of Bank Indonesia and support the development of a superior and competitive young generation. The event was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Sujita, S.T., M.T.
In his speech, Dr. Sujita expressed his hope that the Bank Indonesia scholarship can be utilized to the fullest by Unram students to support their success.
“I hope that this scholarship can be used to support the success of all of you,” said Dr. Sujita.
The Bank Indonesia scholarship program itself is intended to support outstanding students so that they can continue to develop and contribute to society. In West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), there are seven partner universities that receive this scholarship, including University of Mataram (Unram), State Islamic University (UIN), University of Samawa (Unsa), Hamzanwadi University, Qamarul Huda Badaruddin University (Uniqhba), Bumi Gora University (UBG), and Mandalika University of Education (Undikma). The scholarship registration starts from February 1-18, 2025.
Chief Deputy of Bank Indonesia, Andi Perjio, on the occasion explained that every year Bank Indonesia provides scholarships to 50 Unram students to become part of the New Generation of Indonesia.
“Every year, Bank Indonesia receives 50 awardees from Unram students to become the New Generation of Indonesia. These scholarship recipients not only get financial assistance, but are also equipped with competence and qualified leadership so that they are ready to enter the professional world and society,” said Andi Perjio.
He also encouraged students to be more active in seeking information related to banking through Bank Indonesia’s official website.
“In one of the recruitment processes, there is an interview stage. Students should frequently look at Bank Indonesia’s website to learn about the central bank and the policies implemented,” he added.
Furthermore, Andi emphasized that the main task of Bank Indonesia is to maintain the stability of the rupiah currency.
“The main task of Bank Indonesia is to maintain the stability of the rupiah currency,” he explained.
This activity received high enthusiasm from Unram students. This can be seen from the full seats in the Unram Dome where the event took place. With this socialization, it is hoped that students will better understand the importance of Bank Indonesia’s role and be more motivated to win scholarships to support their academic achievements and self-development.