Emphasize the Concept of Creative Economy, Blue Economy, Green Economy and Independent Health: Unram Releases 1,313 Students to 131 Villages in NTB

Mataram, University of Mataram – In order to implement the 2024 Real Work Study (KKN) Program for the July-August period, the University of Mataram (Unram) released 1,313 students to 131 villages in NTB on Tuesday (2/7). The release took place at the Unram Rectorate Field.
The KKN for the 2024 period has the theme “Exploring Village Potential through KKN Village Community Empowerment (PMD) to Generate Creative Economy, Blue Economy, Green Economy and Independent Health” and is planned to last for 45 days.
Based on the district distribution, the distribution of KKN students for the even 2024 period includes West Lombok Regency with 244 students in 24 villages, South Lombok 201 students in 20 villages, East Lombok 452 students in 45 villages, Central Lombok 289 students in 29 villages, West Sumbawa 55 students in 5 villages, and Bima City 77 students in 8 villages.
The focus of activities in this KKN PMD activity are Digital Village, Independent Healthy Village, Tourism Village, Zero Waste, Preneur Village, Advanced and Sustainable Agriculture, Health Independence, Disaster Resilient Village, Education, Law, Sociology, Social and Humanities.
The Head of LPPM, Prof. Dr. Ir Sukartono, M.Agr. reported that the KKN for the 2024 period collaborated with several partners, including Bank Indonesia, the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), Gajah Mada University (UGM), Mandalika Education University (Undikma), Muhammadiyah Youth Force (AMM), Nadhatul Ulama University (UNU), West Sumbawa Regency Regional Government (KSB Regional Government), Cordova University (Undova), and the City of Bima Regional Government.
“The implementation of KKN for the 2024 period is in collaboration with various partners, first, the Bank Indonesia Representative Office with the focus of synergy activities to strengthen tourism villages in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK) will be carried out in ten villages and Pengebur Village for sustainable agricultural development. Second, BKKBN with the theme of independent healthy village activities to reduce stunting rates in ten villages on Lombok and Sumbawa Islands. Furthermore, collaboration with UGM, Undikma, AMM, UNU, for the development of sustainable tourism villages. Next, Unram is still collaborating with the KSB Regional Government, Undova, and the Bima City Government for the theme of Green Economy and Blue Economy, “he said.
On the other hand, the Rector of Unram Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D in his remarks while releasing KKN students advised that students could make a maximum contribution during KKN.
On the other hand, the Rector of Unram Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D in his speech while releasing KKN students advised that students can make a maximum contribution during KKN.
“You must be able to explore the potential of the village according to each theme and be able to apply and find solutions together with the community. In addition, you must be able to maximize the time for 45 days. Make the best possible contribution to the community so that your targets and goals are achieved,” he said.
The release of KKN students for the July-August 2024 period was symbolically held with the release of pigeons by the Rector of Unram, Head of LPPM, along with Unram leaders and lecturers.