Empower Your Future, UPA BKPK Unram Holds Annual Training to Prepare Students to Face the World of Work

Mataram, University of Mataram – UPA Counseling and Career Guidance University of Mataram (UPA BKPK Unram) again held an annual training entitled “Empower Your Future: Pathway to Achieve Your Success” on Thursday, October 10, 2024 at the Unram Dome Building.
This training aims to equip students and alumni with practical skills and strategic insights needed before entering the world of work. The training was attended by hundreds of participants, including final year undergraduate students and alumni who are preparing to start their professional careers.
Head of UPA BKPK, apt. Yoga Dwi Saputra, S.Farm., M.Pharm.Sci., said that this training is part of the university’s commitment to support its graduates to face the challenges of an increasingly competitive world of work.
“This year, 2024, is the second time we have organized this training. The purpose of this training is to equip graduates and alumni with relevant skills and provide practical guidance regarding preparation for the world of work,” he explained.
The training presented four resource persons who are experts in their fields, including:
Ali Usman, S.Pd – Head of HHRMA NTB and Human Resources Management (HRM) Sheraton Hotel, delivered Insights and Dynamics of Recruitment in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry.
Ruth Pamela, M.Psi, Psychologist – Manager of Talent Acquisition PT Enseval Putra Megatrading Tbk, who discussed the Importance of Talent Management and How to Face the Selection Process in Large Companies.
Lale Justin Amelida, S.Psi, M.Psi – Psychologist of UPA Counseling Guidance Unram, who shared tips on Self Development and How to Maintain Mental Health in a Dynamic Work Environment.
Fani Hidayat Putri, S.Si – Head of HRD at Penerbit Erlangga Bali Nusra, who provided practical guidance on CV Preparation Strategies and Success Tips in Job Interviews.
The training also included interactive discussions that gave participants the opportunity to practice and get direct feedback from professionals. According to the Head of UPA BKPK, this training not only helped participants prepare themselves from the technical side, but also equipped them with soft skills needed to succeed in the world of work.
The training was supported by UKM argUMent and Student Executive Board (BEM) Unram who assisted in the preparation and implementation of the event. This collaboration allowed the event to run smoothly, ensuring each participant got the maximum benefit from each session organized.
“We hope that this training can help Unram students and alumni be more prepared to face the challenges of the world of work and achieve success in the process of applying for jobs,” concluded the Head of UPA BKPK.
This training is a valuable opportunity for participants to expand their professional network, gain in-depth knowledge, and prepare themselves to be competitive and successful in their future careers.