Empowering Innovation, LPPM Unram Holds Workshop and Clinic for Community Service Proposals for DRTPM DIKTI Funds

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) held a Workshop and Clinic for Community Service Proposals for DRTPM DIKTI Funds in 2024 which took place at the Auditorium Dr. Yunita Sabrina Building, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) Unram on Thursday (7/3).
In this activity attended by the Head of LPPM Unram, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr. accompanied by the Secretary of LPPM, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Putu Muliarta Aryana, MP., and Head of Service Center, Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suliartini, S.P., MP.
Starting this activity, Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suliartini, S.P., MP. said, “The implementation of the Workshop and Clinic for Community Service Proposals is a form of commitment of LPPM of the University of Mataram to devote all its knowledge to the community.”
“This Workshop and Clinic activity is one of LPPM’s efforts in providing enlightenment and important information that we have not received in national competitive service,” said Dr. Sri.
This DRTPM Fund Service Proposal Workshop and Clinic activity is implemented by applying the paradigm of community service activities that are problem solving, comprehensive, meaningful, complete and sustainable with targets that are not single, and involve collaboration between the world of education, society, government, business and industry.
Prof. Sukartono as Head of LPPM emphasized, “The activity aims to increase the academic passion of lecturers, especially in the world of community service. Also to improve the understanding and ability of workshop participants in designing competitive and professional research proposals. In addition, it provides knowledge and understanding of the characteristics, varieties, and types of community service.”
Furthermore, the Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture also appreciated the spirit of the organizers and participants who attended.
“My high appreciation goes to all of you who attended this activity, to improve your abilities and skills to participate in our institutional competitions and national grants. Hopefully we can take valuable knowledge from the great speakers today. Hopefully, our dedication starts from the results of research that is embodied in a community service that will benefit the community through our work. No less important, the results of this scientific meeting resulted in quality proposals specifically for national competition,” he said.
Community service which is downstream from research products in higher education must be able to be applied and contribute to society widely. In this case, LPPM Unram through the DRTPM Fund Service Proposal Workshop and Clinic facilitates lecturers / researchers within Unram in implementing the tri dharma of higher education, one of which is community service to apply the results of research and excellence from Unram. The sustainability of this community service program is expected to contribute to the progress and independence of the nation and state.
“The purpose of this community service workshop is to improve the ability of lecturers in preparing national competitive community service proposals. So we hope that the resulting output will be an increase in the number of lecturer service proposals funded by DRTPM Dikti in 2024 and lecturer service that does not enter internal PNBP funding can be covered, and the Unram performance can be increased, “said Prof. Sukartono.
On this occasion, LPPM Unram presented a speaker Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Widnyana, M.Si. with material on the preparation of community service proposals based on the DIKTI DRTPM guidebook. Prof. Widnyana is an active lecturer at Mahasaraswati University (Unmas) Denpasar and a practitioner in agricultural science. He is the drafting team of the DRTPM Dikti Year 2024 research and community service guidebook and one of the national reviewers. He has held several positions in Unmas Denpasar, including Head of Plant Pests and Diseases Department, Faculty of Agriculture, and Head of LPPM Unmas Denpasar. Reviewer of Research and Reviewer of Community Service Program at Kemenristekbrin.
At the end of the workshop, a group discussion was held to discuss the draft of community service guidelines, followed by a review of the community service proposals of each lecturer.