Encourage Scientific Studies and Innovations in Sustainable Marine and Fisheries, Unram Collaborates with FIP2B Hold National Seminar

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Sustainable Fisheries Management Scientific Forum of West Nusa Tenggara Province (FIP2B NTB) in collaboration with the University of Mataram (Unram), Marine and Fisheries Office of NTB Province, Unram Marine Science Student Association (HIMAKEL), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), and Yayasan Rekam Nusantara initiated the National Seminar (Semnas) on Fisheries and Marine Management 2023 at the Golden Palace Hotel, Mataram on Monday (27/11).
The National Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Management 2023 carries the theme “Scientific Studies and Innovations in Marine and Fisheries Technology to Towards Golden Indonesia 2045”. This National Seminar aims to disseminate research results related to sustainable marine and fisheries management in NTB Province, along with establish scientific communication between academics and the government of NTB Province to actualize sustainable fisheries and marine management in NTB Province.
The National Seminar on Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Management 2023 was attended by academics (lecturers and students), researchers (government and private institutions), local and central government, and the general community who interest in the field of sustainable marine and fisheries management.
The topics for paper presentations at this national seminar consisted of: fisheries and marine resources; fishing technology; marines technology; social and economic marine fisheries; blue carbon technology and management (Blue Carbon); marine fisheries management and policy; climate change, mitigation, and adaptation to disasters in coastal areas and small islands.
Nur Adil Ramdhani, representative of Himakel Unram as Chair of the organizing committee, reported that there were several series of events for students, including poster and video graphics competitions, there were 96 presenters in this national seminar using a hybrid system consisting of 56 online presenters and 40 offline presenters.
Soraya Gigentika, S.Pi., M.Si Chair of the NTB Province FIP2B explained that FIP2B works to be a companion of the NTB Province Maritime and Fisheries Service.
“NTB Province FIP2B accompanies the NTB Province Maritime and Fisheries Service in managing snapper and grouper, shark and ray fisheries, as well as assisting in the management of conservation areas. In managing conservation areas, we are heavily involved in coastal areas,” she said.
Dr. Soraya explained that the national seminar on fisheries and marine management held in collaboration with universities in NTB. This year’s seminar is the 4th national seminar held since 2018, where FIP2B collaborated with Himakel Unram. This national seminar is a routine activity that is expected to be able to provide recommendations in producing decisions and policies in fisheries and marine management in NTB Province which are based on scientific studies. FIP2B is also developing a database in the form of a website containing data collected with partners.
Dr. Soraya also conveyed FIP2B’s commitment to advancing the marine and fisheries sector through the Citizen Science Program.
“Another FIP2B commitment is through the Citizen Science Program, through this program involve fishermen and fish collectors to collect data. Through this program, FIP2B directly invites stakeholders to be involved in fisheries and marine management. Currently this program has collected data in Saleh Bay and Alas Strait. We hope that in the coming year, we can assist in all sea area in the NTB Province,” he said.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sitti Hilyana, M.Sc., Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Unram and lecturer at the Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Unram, in her speech expressed her gratitude for this national seminar and said that this was a strategic momentum to take part in the process of sustainable fisheries development.
“Today we can discuss and obtain information regarding important research results and innovations in accelerating marine and fisheries development both regionally and nationally,” he said.
Prof. Nana explained that the concept of sustainable fisheries is a very important issue to discuss because it is considered that it will save aquatic ecosystems from various damages.
“All parties must declare their readiness to implement sustainable fisheries because we agree that we increasingly need a supply of marine resources. “The transformation of the Green Revolution to the Blue Revolution is a strong foundation in the framework of fisheries development so that future generations can enjoy fish resources, so a new approach is needed to overcome many threats and problems in management,” he said.
Prof. Nana said that the fisheries sector development plan focus at three main goals, including ecosystem sustainability and natural resource diversity; socio-cultural richness, and strategic geographical conditions comprehensively and sustainably. Fisheries management efforts are as far as possible directed at optimal ecosystem sustainability and community welfare so that an adaptive fisheries management system will ensure the preservation of natural resources and ecosystems.
At the end of his speech, Prof. Nana hopes that through this scientific forum meeting, could provide recommendations, solutions, and strategic interventions so that the government can take strategic handling steps.
The 2023 National Seminar on Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Management presented three keynote speakers, including Dr. Agus Suherman, S.Pi., M.Sc. as Plt. Director General of Catch Fisheries (DJPT) – Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) with material supporting scientific studies to implement the Measured Fishing (PIT) policy; Prof. Ocky Karna Rajasa, Head of the Earth and Maritime Research Organization – National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) with material on BRIN’s contribution to funding, facilities and development of human resources for research and innovation in sustainable fisheries and marine management; and Muslim, ST., M.Si as Head of the NTB Province Maritime and Fisheries Service with material supporting scientific studies in producing sustainable fisheries and marine management policies in the NTB Province.