Encouraging IKU 1 Improvement, Universitas Mataram (Unram) Prepared Graduates for Further Studies and Job Seeking

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – Universitas Mataram (Unram) held a Tracer Study and discussed Unram IKU 1 in tracing the footsteps of graduates/alumni who were carried out 2 years after graduation and preparing the best strategy to map the business and industrial world. The activity was held on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 in the Senate Meeting Room, Rectorate.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Enny Yuliani, M.Si. as the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, directly guided the activity. Prof. Enny revealed that Dikti is currently carrying out efforts to pioneer the compilation of national Tracer Study data, especially regarding transitions and job positions for university graduates in Indonesia.
The tracer study aimed to determine educational outcomes in the form of a transition from higher education to the world of work (including the waiting period for work and the first job search process), the last job situation, and the application of competencies in the world of work. In addition, to track educational output, namely self-assessment of mastery and acquisition of competence. And to find out the position of graduates who have been absorbed in the world of work to prepare graduates in accordance with the competencies needed in the world of work.
Tracer Study is closely related to Main Work Indicator (KPI) one, namely graduates/alumni getting decent jobs. On the occasion, the Chancellor of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr, St., Ph.D. also said it was related to the best strategies that could increase Unram’s KPI 1. These include conducting training, improving English language skills, as well as having a fast track program. “Prepare everything so that we are ready to help them continue their studies and be ready to get jobs,” said Prof. Bambang.
The Coordinator of IKU Satu Unram explained the three aspects that were initiated, one of which was related to how alumni got decent jobs. This is done by forming an SLP with the hope that lecturers have the potential to become assessors, “so that every subject taught will display competency schemes offered in the industrial world,” he explained. Later students will not only have a graduation diploma but when they are in semester 5 or 6 students will also have a BNSP Competency diploma with the hope that when they graduate this can be capital to get a job before 6 months of graduating from Unram and even earn 1.2 times the income minimum wage.
Not only having a diploma, later in semester 5, 6, having a BNSP competency diploma can get a job before 6 months of graduating from Unram. And their income is 1.2 times the UMR income.
Regarding Unram alumni who want to get further studies, Unram will later conduct “Unram Scholarship Day” while introducing the fast track program to its students.
The chairman and secretary of the Counseling and Career Development (BKPK) Unram also attended the event, who reported on the Tracer Study and evaluated the performance of the Tracer Study. In addition, the Dean of the Faculty, Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Head of Study Programs from each faculty at the University of Mataram were also present.