Enhancing Charity, DWP Unram Conducts Social Service in North Loang Batu Hamlet

Mataram, University of Mataram – Women’s Association of University of Mataram (DWP Unram) conducted a social service action (Baksos) in North Loang Batu hamlet, central Sekotong on Friday (8/3).
The social service event was opened by one of the representatives of the local hamlet head, Rahman, who expressed his gratitude for DWP Unram’s support for the local community.
“As a representative of my fellow hamlet heads and the entire community of North Loang Batu, South Loang Batu, and Suren Valley, I am very grateful and very thankful that you took the time to care about our community in this remote hamlet,” said Rahman.
The social service action carried out by DWP Unram included the provision of basic necessities, decent clothes, and lunch to residents of North and South Loang Batu Hamlets, as well as Lembah Suren Hamlet.
Mrs Erna, as a representative of DWP Unram members in her speech said, “Hopefully this activity can be useful for the people here. We also hope that this social action can continue in the future.”
With this activity, DWP Unram has shown their commitment in helping people in need, as well as strengthening the bond of togetherness between the university and the local community.