European Union Mobility Program for Myanmar (EMPM) Cooperation with University of Mataram: Improving Education through Online Lectures

Mataram, University of Mataram – The University of Mataram (Unram) through The EU Mobility Program for Myanmar (EMPM) successfully held an online lecture program with students from Myanmar. The EU Mobility Program for Myanmar (EMPM) is a pilot initiative funded by the European Union with the aim of protecting the human resources of future generations in Myanmar through education and training. The program aims to improve online learning and mobility options for Myanmar’s students and young professionals, who have been affected by the interruption of university education and employment due to the volatile situation in the country.
One of the key programs within EMPM is the delivery of online courses involving Myanmar students. This program provides students with the opportunity to continue their education with the support of mobility scholarships at ASEAN universities, including Mataram University in Indonesia.
University of Mataram has been one of the key partners in the implementation of EMPM, providing a distance learning platform that allows Myanmar students to take online courses. This program not only enriches the students’ knowledge but also gives them access to quality educational resources that might otherwise be difficult to reach amidst the ongoing situation in Myanmar.
EMPM will run for 48 months, starting from January 2023 to December 2026, with a total funding of EUR 4.8 million from an EU grant. The program is implemented by three main organizations: DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Campus France, and Nuffic. These three organizations play an important role in ensuring that the program runs smoothly and provides maximum benefits for the participants.
As part of the program, the University of Mataram provides various courses that are relevant to the needs and interests of Myanmar students. In addition, the university also plays a role in supporting the technical and logistical aspects of this online learning program, including the provision of internet access, learning materials, and academic support for students.
The European Union Mobility Program for Myanmar (EMPM) not only focuses on education but also provides training to students to prepare them for the world of work. Through mobility scholarships and professional training, EMPM strives to open up new opportunities for Myanmar students so that they can contribute to the social and economic development of their country in the future.
With the cooperation between EMPM and University of Mataram, it is expected to create a positive synergy in supporting education and training for Myanmar’s young generation. This is a concrete step towards ensuring that education continues despite the challenges, and building a better future for all parties involved.