Faculty of Medicine Mataram University Collaborates with PT AMNT and Nexus3 Foundation in Order to Realizing NTB area Mercury-Free

Mataram, Mataram University – Faculty of Medicine, Mataram University held a Seminar entitled “Mercury Monitoring as a Strengthening Commitment to the Implementation of the Minamata Convention in Indonesia”. It held on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 by dr. Yunita Sabrina at the Auditorium.
In the seminar, PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT) also conducted handover a grant of Tekran Series 2700 Automated Methyl Mercury Analyzer equipment to Mataram University. The handover symbolic was carried out by Aji Suryanto as the Senior Manager of Social Impact PT AMNT to Prof. Akmaluddin, S.T., M.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D as the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems. This meeting was also continued by signing the cooperation between Faculty of Medicine and Nexues3 Foundation.
Prof. Akmaluddin expressed his gratitude to PT AMNT and hoped that the equipment which was granted could be useful for the NTB local government, the community, and researchers at Mataram University.
“Unram is committed to empowering former mining sites in NTB. So, this tool is useful for detecting mercury in the region, because mercury is very dangerous, “explained Vice Rector for Field IV Mataram University.
Aji Suryanto as a Senior Manager of Social Impact PT AMNT said that the procurement of the Mercury Analyzer tool takes a long time, which is more than one year. It because the equipment is indeed quite difficult to obtain and collect. However, it can be achieved by working hard with the team from Faculty of Medicine Mataram University to realize the tool.
“Representing this company is an honor to be able to provide something different, the best legacy for Indonesia. A legacy that can meet the expectations of many parties to make the NTB area mercury-free,” said Aji.
The seminar, which was held both online and offline invited several speakers. The first is from PSLB3 KLHK; DLH West Nusa Tenggara Province; dr. Ardiana Ekawanti from Faculty of Medicane Mataram University; Prof. Suwardji from the Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Unram; Dr. Ir. Dwina Rosmini, M.S. as Head of the Center for Environmental Studies Bandung Institute of Technology; and Jorina Waworuntu as Environmental Department Manager of PT AMNT.