FEB Unram Signs MoU and IA with Shangrao Normal University

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB Unram), Dr. Ihsan Ro’is, M.Si., S.E. and the Head of the Tourism Study Program, L. M. Furkan, S.E., M.M., Ph.D. signed an MoU and IA with Shangrao Normal University, China on Saturday (27/1). The arrival of the Unram group to Shangrao Normal University was also accompanied by Prof. Akram, the Senate representative for cooperation.
The visit to Shangrao Normal University was also followed by a discussion of cooperation related to the Mandarin Course which will be held at the Tourism Study Program, where Shangrao Normal University will send Mandarin teachers to Unram, and discussed student exchange programs between Unram and Shangrao Normal University.