FHISIP Unram Successfully Holds 57th Anniversary Summit

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences, University of Mataram (FHISIP Unram) celebrated its 57th Anniversary on Saturday, 3 February 2023. Various kinds of activities have been carried out in the 57th anniversary of the establishment of FHISIP Unram, starting from various competitions and other activities.
At the peak of the Anniversary held in the campus yard, it was attended by the Vice Rector for Cooperation and Information Systems, Prof. Akmaluddin, ST, M.Sc.(Eng), Ph.D., Dean of FHISIP Unram, Dr. Lalu Wira Pria Suhartana, SH, MH, Professors, Lecturers, Heads of Institutions, Directors of Hospitals, Heads of Dharma Wanita Persatuan and staff, Alumni, and students of FHISIP Unram.
Prof. Akmaluddin, ST, M.Sc.(Eng), Ph.D, on the occasion representing the Rector of Unram recalled Unram’s four priority programmes under Prof. Bambang’s leadership.
“The first programme is towards Unram’s superior accreditation, of course this is not easy, it requires great effort to achieve. Next is about how to accelerate accreditation,” he explained.
Prof. Akmal continued, superior accreditation is a requirement given by the Ministry that Mataram University must immediately become a State University with Legal Status (PTN-BH), of course this is also not easy. He appealed to the entire Unram community to always work hard to realise what is in the Unram priority programme.
“The next programme is internationalisation or international competitiveness that we have built together with the previous leaders. Previously in Senggigi we proclaimed that Unram would be internationalised by 2025 but in 2024 we are already at that level, we have started to enter the Radar World Class University ranking. International recognition is already there,” said WR 4 Unram.
On the same occasion, the Dean of FHISIP Unram, Dr. Lalu Wira Pria Suhartana, SH, MH, expressed his gratitude to all the committees who had prepared the entire series of the 57th Anniversary of FHISIP Unram.
“Thank you and we appreciate the alumni who are very enthusiastic in enlivening the anniversary of the Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences Unram,” he said.
The Dean of FHISIP also added that the alumni of FHISIP Unram really love the almamater that raised their names. This is indicated by the active participation of the alumni in activities at FHISIP Unram.
“I know exactly that FHISIP Unram alumni are spread across various agencies and institutions. Therefore, I invite all generations to contribute back to Unram. Let us dedicate some of our abilities to improve the capacity and quality of our beloved alma mater,” he concluded.