Field Assessment by Lamdik for Biology Education Undergraduate Study Program, FKIP Unram: An Important Steps Toward Superior Accreditation

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram (FKIP Unram) received a visit from a team of assessors from the Education Self-Accreditation Institute (Lamdik) to carry out the accreditation process for the Biology Education Undergraduate Study Program (Prodi) of FKIP Unram. This assessment took place for two days from July 24 to 25, 2024, located in the Senate Conference Room Building A FKIP Unram on Wednesday (24/7).
The arrival of the Lamdik assessor team at FKIP Unram was warmly welcomed by the Rector of Unram, the Vice Rectors, the Dean of FKIP Unram and his staff, the Head of the Biology Education Department and Study Program, the Head of UP Accreditation FKIP, the Head of GPMF and staff, the Head of BP3MF, the Head of LPPTP, the Head of International and National GPUK, the Biology Education Accreditation Task Force Team, the Biology Education Study Program Lecturers, and members of the Lamdik assessor team who attended, Dr. Drs. Sulisetijono, M.Si. and Dr. Siti Alimah, S.Pd., M.Pd.
The Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. said that in terms of governance FKIP has an extraordinary speed.
“FKIP is one faculty that has high speed governance, this is an extraordinary achievement of course to support the acceleration of accreditation in order to excel the Biology Education Undergraduate Program in the future and it can be a target in line with our vision of becoming a superior and globally competitive university.” he said.
Meanwhile, Dr. Drs. Sulisetijono, M.Si. as the Lamdik assessor team said that they would confirm related to verification of matters that need to be improved.
“Our goal here is to confirm and verify the things that have been written, it could be appropriate and inappropriate so that they can be improved, where our task is to capture the Biology Education Undergraduate Program of FKIP Unram whether it is in accordance with the nine criteria or there is still hidden evidence,” he said.
Through this field assessment, input will be provided for the Biology Education Study Program of FKIP Unram in identifying things that need to be improved and the potential that can be improved in order to achieve the desired target.
Furthermore, the signing of the official report on the implementation of the field assessment took place on the first day and ended with a group photo session.