First in Indonesia, Unram and Gridwiz Launch Eco-Friendly E-Bike Service

Mataram, University of Mataram – University of Mataram (Unram) together with PT Gridwiz Energy & Mobility officially launched the Gridwiz x Unram E-Bike Service on Thursday, February 27, 2025. The event took place at PT Gridwiz Energy & Mobility Warehouse, Unram, with the theme “Pedals Towards Sustainability”.
This program aims to encourage the utilization of environmentally friendly vehicles in the campus environment and support the sustainability agenda in transportation. The E-Bike service is expected to be an innovative solution to reduce carbon emissions while increasing the awareness of the academic community towards the importance of sustainable mobility. This event is part of Unram and Gridwiz’s commitment in presenting sustainable mobility solutions in Indonesia, especially in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province.
Gridwiz itself is known as a South Korean company that focuses on sustainable energy innovation, environmentally friendly mobility, and a green future. With the technology they develop, Gridwiz contributes to creating a cleaner and more efficient transportation ecosystem.
The Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., in his speech said that this is Gridwiz’s first collaboration in Indonesia and NTB which provides e-bike service for the entire academic community and the general public. “This is an extraordinary collaboration. This is part of Unram’s contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. If we succeed in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, of course we can save this earth from the effects of global warming,” he said.
Furthermore, the Rector of Unram added that with this electric bicycle, the academic community can easily access various facilities in the Unram environment without having to use a motorcycle. “Because this bicycle can still be pedaled, we can still move. So that it makes us exercise lightly and become healthy if we continue cycling,” he added.
He also announced that Unram will be open to the public on weekends so that people can enjoy the fresh air, beautiful spots, and exercise at the Sport Center or cycle and recreation. “We will open Unram Sport and Recreation Day during the weekend,” he said.
In an effort to maintain the safety of electric bicycle users, the Rector of Unram stated that six rubber speed bumps will be installed in areas that are often used for high-speed driving.
In connection with this, Acting. Head of the NTB Regional Research Agency (BRIDA), Lalu Suryadi, also gave his views at this event. He stated that initially this cooperation wanted to be implemented in Mataram City, but the process would be very long because it requires licensing and infrastructure that supports cyclists. “So I gave input, it would be great if we could start at the University of Mataram,” he said.
According to him, the campus is an ideal place to educate the public about environmentally friendly activities and contribute to reducing global warming. “We are sure that if it is placed at Unram, we can run this as well as possible,” he added.
Lalu Suryadi also emphasized that the NTB Provincial Government is very serious about sustainable development. If at the national level the net zero emission target is set in 2060, then NTB targets its achievement in 2050. “So we need strategic steps, and we can actualize this as a real step, not just talk,” he said.
Furthermore, he said that this program can be an alternative model for Car Free Day if it is later opened to the public. “It is expected that there will be e-bike service in other areas as well, such as Mataram City, Gili, Mandalika, and not only in Lombok Island, but also in other islands across,” he concluded.
Furthermore, Kim Hyo-Jin, as Country Director of KOICA Indonesia, also expressed his appreciation in this event. “I would like to congratulate BRIDA NTB, the University of Mataram, and Gridwiz for their dedication and commitment to this meaningful initiative. By introducing environmentally friendly e-mobility services, we are not only providing convenient and accessible transportation solutions to the majority of residents and tourists, but we are also actively contributing to economic and social development,” she said.
In addition, the CEO of Gridwiz Energy & Mobility, Dr. Shin Seoungha, emphasized that the launch of this service is not just a business, but building a vision for a greener and cleaner future. “We are not just launching a business, we are building a vision. A vision for a greener and cleaner future. Let us stand together here to take the closest step forward, inspiring a new movement in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We, Unram, Gridwiz, and KOICA, want to make this place the center of Indonesia’s sustainable green mobility revolution, and this is just the beginning,” he said.
The Gridwiz x Unram E-Bike Service is available to the entire Unram academic community and the general public with an application-based rental system. Users can easily access the e-bike at several station points that have been provided around the campus. The rental fee for this electric bicycle is IDR 2,000 per 10 minutes.
With this program, Unram further demonstrates its commitment in supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in the aspect of clean and environmentally friendly energy. Hopefully, this service can be the first step in encouraging positive changes towards a more sustainable transportation