FKIP Unram Held Grand Opening Summit Meeting of Forkom FKIP Negeri Indonesia & The 4th ACESS 2022

Mataram, Universitas Mataram – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Mataram (FKIP Unram) held the Grand Opening Summit Meeting of Communication Forum (Forkom) FKIP Negeri Indonesia & The 4th Annual Conference On Education and Social Science (ACESS) 2022. This activity is an annual agenda from the Forkom of FKIP Leaders throughout Indonesia. At this year’s event, Unram hosted 34 FKIP Negeri leaders throughout Indonesia. The Grand Opening was held at Senggigi beach precisely at the Merumata Hotel on Wednesday night (27/10).
Prof. Dr. A Wahab Jufri, M.Sc. as the Dean of FKIP Unram warmly welcomed the Forkom Leadership group throughout Indonesia. “Welcome and thank you for the arrival of the invited guests in Unram who God willing, are peaceful and continue to grow,” he said.
The Chairman of Forkom, Prof. Dr. Mahmud, M.Pd. expressed his gratitude to the Rector and Dean for providing the opportunity to host the activity which series of events until October 30, 2022. “This Forkom activity is a forum for leaders to provide recommendations to the government, especially in the field of education,” said Prof. Mahmud.
He continued that this activity will produce recommendations to the government. “Therefore, tomorrow (28/10) a public lecture will be held on teacher education. Collaborating with each other and filling in each other, especially about independent learning,” explained the Chairman of Forkom.
Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D. as the Rector of Unram was present at the opening of the Forkom meeting of FKIP Negeri leaders throughout Indonesia which was coupled with the opening of the 4th ACCES international seminar. Prof. Bambang said that education is one of the pillars for future development.
“Teachers or lecturers have a vital role in it. The rise of a nation that although the nation is devastated, depends on the teachers, depends on the lecturers,” said Prof. Bambang.
Therefore, he hopes that from the Forkom led by FKIP throughout Indonesia, bright ideas will be born for the government. “Hopefully, this forum will generate many ideas for the government, to help the government at least to build the character of this nation so that it becomes a dignified nation,” said Rector Unram.
On that occasion, the Deputy Governor of NTB, Dr. Hj. Sitti Rohmi Djalillah, M.Pd. gave a speech as well as officially opened the opening of the Forkom meeting of FKIP Negeri leaders throughout Indonesia. The Deputy Governor of NTB said that the profession as a teacher or lecturer is not just a world profession.
“Learning is not only in the classroom, but the learning process is in everything that is carried out in life and it is all a learning process. Hopefully, education in Indonesia will be more advanced in the future,” said the Deputy Governor of NTB.
This leadership forum is very important and has a strategic role in the midst of differences in quality between one Educational Institution and Education Personnel (LPTK) and another LPTK. This difference requires intense cooperation in order to formulate a common policy direction for quality improvement and solve common problems in order to carry out solutions and breakthroughs in facing the challenges of the world of education.