FKIP Unram Holds Accreditation Field Assessment of Physics Education Study Program by LAMDIK

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Physics Education Study Program at the University of Mataram (Unram) held an accreditation field assessment event conducted by the Education Self-Accreditation Institute (LAMDIK). The two-day event, from July 26 to 27, 2024, was opened with remarks from the Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Harikusumo, M.Agr.St, Ph.D., who gave high appreciation to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP).
In his speech, the Rector stated, “ FKIP is a faculty that has always been an example in Unram, so if other faculties want a comparative study then go to FKIP.”
This remark illustrates the high standards and achievements that have been achieved by FKIP, as well as the hopes that other study programs at Unram can take lessons from FKIP.
fter the Rector’s speech, the event continued with remarks from the Head of LAMDIK Assessors, Prof. Dr. Lia Yuliati, M.Pd. In her speech, Prof. Lia emphasized the importance of accreditation as an effort to maintain and improve the quality of education.
“This assessment process is not just a formality, but is part of our shared commitment to continuously improve the quality of education in Indonesia,” she said.
The assessment event involved a series of activities, including document review, observation of facilities and infrastructure, and interviews with lecturers, stakeholders, alumni, students, and education staff. The main purpose of this assessment is to ensure that the Physics Education Study Program at Unram meets the standards set by LAMDIK, and can continue to improve the quality of education provided to students.
During the two-day assessment, the assessors from LAMDIK conducted a comprehensive evaluation of various aspects of the study program. The results of this assessment are expected to provide a clear overview of the strengths and areas that need to be improved, so that the Physics Education Study Program can continue to grow and make a positive contribution to the world of education in Indonesia.
This accreditation field assessment event shows Unram’s commitment in maintaining and improving the quality of education, and is a strategic step to ensure that graduates from the Physics Education Study Program have high competence and quality in line with the needs and developments of the times.