Focus on Giving the Best Performance, External PKP2 Unram Team Optimists Pass PIMNAS

Mataram, University of Mataram – In order to face the assessment of the progress of the implementation of External PKP2 in 2024, four teams from the University of Mataram (Unram) focused on presenting the best presentation in front of national reviewers, which was assessed through the zoom platform at UPT Pustik on Monday (7/22).
Dr. Jackson as one of the supervisors of Unram’s External PKP2 revealed that the preparation of all teams had been done properly, starting with good presentations, good questions and answers, so he was optimistic that this year’s Unram team would qualify for PIMNAS.
Unram continues to strive to strengthen student abilities and provide the best performance towards national competitions. With the hope that this year we can achieve a successful outcome by winning the 2024 PIMNAS.
Unram is also committed to provide its best support for students during the internal PKP2 companion, with constructive suggestions given by the reviewer so that it becomes a reference for giving presentations with the Belmawa External PKP2 reviewer.