Followed by Hundreds of Participants, LPPM Unram Holds National Seminar on Community Service and Pepadu V 2023

Mataram, University of Mataram – The Research and Community Service Institute of the University of Mataram (LPPM Unram) held a National Seminar on Community Service and Product Exhibition (Pepadu V) in 2023 entitled “Service Innovation and Product Exhibition of the Nation’s Children to Welcome the Golden Indonesia 2045” on Wednesday (25/10) at the Golden Palace Hotel, Mataram in a hybrid manner.
Pepadu V National Seminar 2023 is a form of cooperation between Unram as the host and Cordova University Indonesia (Undova) as the co-host. The Pepadu V National Seminar was attended by 84 online participants and 216 offline participants, coupled with a poster competition which was attended by 25 participants, divided by 12 lecturers and the rest were students, and there were 11 exhibitions of Student Creativity Program (PKM) products.
This activity was attended directly by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems of Unram, Prof. Akmaluddin, S.T., M.Sc.(Eng), Ph.D., accompanied by the Chairman of LPPM Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukartono, M.Agr.; Secretary of LPPM Prof. Dr. Ir. IGP Muliarta Aryana, MP.; Service Coordinator as well as Committee Chairman Dr. Faturrahman, M.Si.; Cooperation Coordinator; and Vice Deans in Unram.
In his presentation, Dr. Faturrahman, S.Pt., M.Si. as the Chairman of the Pepadu V National Seminar Committee explained that this activity was designed a little different from the Pepadu National Seminar in previous years.
“The implementation of Pepadu this time we involved Cordova University as the co-host. Alhamdulillah, they have attended today represented by the Head of DPPM and 6 representatives from Undova and interestingly, we held an Electronic Poster or Virtual Poster Competition involving students and lecturers. We also held an exhibition of PKM student products,” he said.
Faturrahman also said that this year’s Pepadu V National Seminar participants had the highest number of participants compared to previous years with a total of 390 participants.
Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems of Unram Prof. Akmaluddin, S.T., M.Sc.(Eng), Ph.D. greeted all participants and welcomed them to Mataram for participants who came from outside West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).
“The Pepadu V National Seminar is a good opportunity for us to build research collaborations, both national and international. For example, this year Unram obtained research cooperation with Gadjah Mada University, November 10 Institute of Technology, and also with Syah Kuala University. Hopefully this Pepadu V National Seminar can be a means to produce innovations that can solve problems in society in order to welcome the Golden Indonesia 2045,” said Prof. Akmaluddin.
The speakers in this activity included the Rector of Undova, Dr. K.H. Lalu Zulkifli Muhadli, S.H., M.M.; Prof. Dr. Ir. Bulkaini, M.P.; and Prof. Dr. Dra. Chess Retnaningdyah, M.Si. from Brawijaya University, Malang.
The first presentation of material by the Rector of Undova, Dr. K.H. Lalu Zulkifli Muhadli, S.H., M.M. explained the history of why it was named Cordova University which of course has a red thread with the golden Indonesia in 2045. In the world there are three Cordova Universities, one in Spain in Andalusia, the second in Argentina, and the third in NTB, Indonesia, precisely Cordova University in West Sumbawa Regency.
Cordova University is a boarding school-based university. What distinguishes boarding school-based universities or things that happen in e-Pesantren-based universities, of course, the first is because they are based on boarding schools, so all students are boarding like boarding schools. Why do they have to board because what we want to build is humans with character, not just smart humans but humans who have life skills. This will certainly give birth to disciplined humans who work hard, humans who are able to collaborate and others.
So that the common goal related to the Golden Indonesia in 2045 is an Indonesia filled with golden humans, namely humans with character.
The second presentation was by Prof. Dr. Ir. Bulkaini, MP. The raised theme was optimizing the utilization of research results through community service. There are two concepts behind the theme, namely referring back to the rules or guidelines for proposing national competitive research.
Prof. Bulkaini explained that community service in the future will be one of the locomotives to support the independence of the nation. Dissemination of higher education research results both service research results and teaching implementation through how many national or international cooperation space activities.
The third material presentation by Prof. Dr. Dra. Catur Retnaningdyah, M.Si related to the environment and tourism which is the main thing that is developed, especially in the field of aquatic ecology. One of the things that can be used is to utilize the biota in an ecosystem, in this case the aquatic ecosystem. This aims to make it easier for people to manage their environment to find out whether the environment in an ecosystem is of good quality or not health.
The innovation that has been carried out is to monitor the health of the Mangrove ecosystem using bioindicators. Mangroves have very high benefits, especially for small island protection, especially for controlling sea intrusion. Then to maintain the land ecosystem as well because it can reduce the CO2 content in the air. This can also mobilize how we help the community to solve problems in the community. For this reason, the evaluation of the quality of the Mangrove ecosystem can be carried out using biota as bioindicators, then the monitoring model can be developed to be introduced to the wider community.